The source code for the simulator presented in our paper at the "MICRO 2024" conference.
- Title: HyFiSS: A Hybrid Fidelity Stall-Aware Simulator for GPGPUs
- Conference: MICRO 2024
- C++ Compiler (g++), the version we use is
g++ (GCC) 7.3.1 20180303 (Red Hat 7.3.1-5)
. All compilers that support the C++11 standard will do well. You can install by this way:yum install g++
- Make, the version we use is
GNU Make 4.2.1
. You can install by this way:yum install make
- Python, the version we use is
Python 3.7.0
. We recommend you to use Anaconda to manage Python packages, and the guide to install Anaconda is available here. - MPICH, the version of MPICH we use is
and it is available here. Download the source code, uncompress the folder, and change into the MPICH directory.After doing this, you should be able to configure your installation by performingwget tar -xzf mpich-3.3.2.tar.gz cd mpich-3.3.2
.If you need to install MPICH to a local directory (for example, if you don't have root access to your machine), type./configure
./configure --prefix=/path/to/your/path
. When the configuration is done, build and install MPICH withmake && sudo make install
. After installing MPICH, you also need to set the environment variable:After this, you should be able to typeexport MPI_HOME=/path/to/mpich-3.3.2 export PATH=$PATH:$MPI_HOME/bin export MANPATH=$MANPATH:$MPI_HOME/man export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$MPI_HOME/lib
mpiexec --version
ormpirun --version
and see the version information of MPICH. - Boost Library, the version we use is
, and it is available here. Download the source code, uncompress the folder, and change into the Boost directory.After doing this, you should be able to compile the Boost library.wget tar -xzf boost_1_83_0.tar.gz cd boost_1_83_0
Where./ -prefix=/path/to/boost
is the path you want to install Boost in. As explained in the boost installation instructions, running the./
from the boost root directory will produce aproject-config.jam
file. You need to edit that file and add the following line:When the above is done, install Boost withusing mpi ;
sudo ./b2 install
, and this will allow you to install the Boost library in the/path/to/boost
directory. After installing, you also need to set the environment variable:export BOOST_HOME=/path/to/boost export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$BOOST_HOME/include:$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$BOOST_HOME/include:$C_INCLUDE_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$BOOST_HOME/lib
Clone the repository:
git clone gpu-simulator
Change to the project directory:
cd gpu-simulator
Build the simulator:
make all -j
The compiled simulator executable is called gpu-simulator.x
, and is just in the current directory.
The benchmark application suit we used for validation consisted of 43 applications with a total
of 1784 kernels. We evaluate them on a real NVIDIA QUADRO GV100. These applications are from the
cuBLAS library, the heterogeneous computing benchmark suite PolyBench and Rodinia, the fluid
dynamics benchmark LULESH, the deep learning basic operator benchmark suite DeepBench, the DNN
benchmark suite Tango, the unstructured mesh mini-app benchmark PENNANT. For all selected
applications, we select their first 100 kernels for evaluation. All workloads are compiled using
CUDA 11.8 with the compute capability sm70
for the Volta architecture. You can clone this
benchmark suit we used from here.
Change to the simulator project directory:
cd gpu-simulator
Clone the benchmark suit repository:
git clone apps
For guidance on compiling these applications and getting their traces on real hardware, please refer to here. And this repo also provides the guide to obtain experimental results and reproduction images of our paper. All compilation scripts are being sorted out and will be released in a few days (current time: August 1, 2024). We have evaluated more than 50 applications from many different benchmark suites, so writing a compile script for them all will take some time.
Please refer to our reply here.
To run the GPU simulator, use the following command:
mpirun -np [num of processes] ./gpu-simulator.x
--configs [/path/to/application/configs]
--kernel_id [kernel id you want to evaluate]
--config_file ./DEV-Def/QV100.config
The options:
-np <num>
: Number of processes.--configs <path>
: Specify the configuration file of the application--kernel_id <num>
: Specify the kernel ID for simulation
mpirun -np 10 ./gpu_simulator --configs ./apps/Rodinia/hotspot/configs --kernel_id 0 --config_file ./DEV-Def/QV100.config
Here, the ./apps/Rodinia/hotspot/configs
are generated by tracing_tool
. For detailed instructions, please refer to
After this, the simulator will generate output files (like kernel-0-rank-x.temp.txt
, where x
represents the process number)
of many processes to the ./apps/Rodinia/hotspot/outputs
Next, we need to merge the results of these processes using the script in the root directory of our simulator:
python --dir ./apps/Rodinia/hotspot/outputs --kernel_id 0 --np 10
The merged output file is named kernel-0-summary.txt
and will be located in the ./apps/Rodinia/hotspot/outputs
and the content is roughly as follows:
- Config: ./apps/Rodinia/hotspot/outputs
- Theoretical Performance:
* Thread_block_limit_SM: 32
* Thread_block_limit_registers: 6
* Thread_block_limit_shared_memory: 32
* Thread_block_limit_warps: 8
* Theoretical_max_active_warps_per_SM: 48
* Theoretical_occupancy: 0.75
- L1 Cache Performance:
* Unified_L1_cache_hit_rate: 0.0349
* Unified_L1_cache_requests: 216240
- L2 Cache Performance:
* L2_cache_hit_rate: 0.6657
* L2_cache_requests: 1186944
* L2_read_transactions: 166020
* L2_write_transactions: 42680
* L2_total_transactions: 208700
- DRAM Performance:
* DRAM_total_transactions: 49152
- Global Memory Performance:
* GMEM_read_requests: 29240
* GMEM_write_requests: 11008
* GMEM_total_requests: 40248
* GMEM_read_transactions: 172720
* GMEM_write_transactions: 43520
* GMEM_total_transactions: 216240
* Number_of_read_transactions_per_read_requests: 5.91
* Number_of_write_transactions_per_write_requests: 3.95
* Total_number_of_global_atomic_requests: 0
* Total_number_of_global_reduction_requests: 0
* Global_memory_atomic_and_reduction_transactions: 0
- SMs Performance:
* Achieved_active_warps_per_SM: 37.93
* Achieved_occupancy: 0.75
* GPU_active_cycles: 26087
* SM_active_cycles: 26087
* Warp_instructions_executed: 3073296
* Instructions_executed_per_clock_cycle_IPC: 1.47
* Total_instructions_executed_per_seconds (MIPS): 2182.06
* Kernel_execution_time (ns): 18028
- Simulator Performance:
* Simulation_time_memory_model (s): 0.37
* Simulation_time_compute_model (s): 1.30
- Stall Cycles:
* Compute_Structural_Stall: 6153
* Compute_Data_Stall: 899
* Memory_Structural_Stall: 3023
* Memory_Data_Stall: 3501
* Synchronization_Stall: 749
* Control_Stall: 0
* Idle_Stall: 90
* Other_Stall: 0
* No_Stall: 5489
- Stall Cycles Distribution:
* Compute_Structural_Stall_ratio: 0.309134
* Compute_Data_Stall_ratio: 0.045167
* Memory_Structural_Stall_ratio: 0.151879
* Memory_Data_Stall_ratio: 0.175894
* Synchronization_Stall_ratio: 0.037631
* Control_Stall_ratio: 0.000000
* Idle_Stall_ratio: 0.004522
* Other_Stall_ratio: 0.000000
* No_Stall_ratio: 0.275774
- Memory Structural Stall Cycles Breakdown:
* Issue_out_has_no_free_slot: 3023.0
* Issue_previous_issued_inst_exec_type_is_memory: 0.0
* Execute_result_bus_has_no_slot_for_latency: 0.0
* Execute_m_dispatch_reg_of_fu_is_not_empty: 2010.0
* Writeback_bank_of_reg_is_not_idle: 35.0
* ReadOperands_bank_reg_belonged_to_was_allocated: 9.0
* ReadOperands_port_num_m_in_ports_m_in_fails_as_not_found_free_cu: 2783.0
* Execute_icnt_injection_buffer_is_full: 0.0
- Memory Structural Stall Cycles Breakdown Distribution:
* Issue_out_has_no_free_slot: 0.384606
* Issue_previous_issued_inst_exec_type_is_memory: 0.000000
* Execute_result_bus_has_no_slot_for_latency: 0.000000
* Execute_m_dispatch_reg_of_fu_is_not_empty: 0.255725
* Writeback_bank_of_reg_is_not_idle: 0.004453
* ReadOperands_bank_reg_belonged_to_was_allocated: 0.001145
* ReadOperands_port_num_m_in_ports_m_in_fails_as_not_found_free_cu: 0.354071
* Execute_icnt_injection_buffer_is_full: 0.000000
- Compute Structural Stall Cycles Breakdown:
* Issue_out_has_no_free_slot: 6153.0
* Issue_previous_issued_inst_exec_type_is_compute: 0.0
* Execute_result_bus_has_no_slot_for_latency: 4.0
* Execute_m_dispatch_reg_of_fu_is_not_empty: 5623.0
* Writeback_bank_of_reg_is_not_idle: 518.0
* ReadOperands_bank_reg_belonged_to_was_allocated: 927.0
* ReadOperands_port_num_m_in_ports_m_in_fails_as_not_found_free_cu: 5240.0
- Compute Structural Stall Cycles Breakdown Distribution:
* Issue_out_has_no_free_slot: 0.333225
* Issue_previous_issued_inst_exec_type_is_compute: 0.000000
* Execute_result_bus_has_no_slot_for_latency: 0.000217
* Execute_m_dispatch_reg_of_fu_is_not_empty: 0.304522
* Writeback_bank_of_reg_is_not_idle: 0.028053
* ReadOperands_bank_reg_belonged_to_was_allocated: 0.050203
* ReadOperands_port_num_m_in_ports_m_in_fails_as_not_found_free_cu: 0.283780
- Memory Data Stall Cycles Breakdown:
* Issue_scoreboard: 3501.0
* Execute_L1: 1337.0
* Execute_L2: 95308.0
* Execute_Main_Memory: 45181.0
- Memory Data Stall Cycles Breakdown Distribution:
* Issue_scoreboard: 0.024090
* Execute_L1: 0.009200
* Execute_L2: 0.655818
* Execute_Main_Memory: 0.310892
- Compute Data Stall Cycles Breakdown:
* Issue_scoreboard: 899.0
- Compute Data Stall Cycles Breakdown Distribution:
* Issue_scoreboard: 1.000000
- Function Unit Execution Cycles Breakdown:
* SP_UNIT_execute_clks: 86027.0
* SFU_UNIT_execute_clks: 50285.0
* INT_UNIT_execute_clks: 765709.0
* DP_UNIT_execute_clks: 82461.0
* TENSOR_CORE_UNIT_execute_clks: 0.0
* LDST_UNIT_execute_clks: 318340.0
* SPEC_UNIT_1_execute_clks: 263957.0
* SPEC_UNIT_2_execute_clks: 0.0
* SPEC_UNIT_3_execute_clks: 0.0
* Other_UNIT_execute_clks: 0.0
- Function Unit Execution Cycles Breakdown Distribution:
* SP_UNIT_execute_clks: 0.054907
* SFU_UNIT_execute_clks: 0.032095
* INT_UNIT_execute_clks: 0.488715
* DP_UNIT_execute_clks: 0.052631
* TENSOR_CORE_UNIT_execute_clks: 0.000000
* LDST_UNIT_execute_clks: 0.203181
* SPEC_UNIT_1_execute_clks: 0.168471
* SPEC_UNIT_2_execute_clks: 0.000000
* SPEC_UNIT_3_execute_clks: 0.000000
* Other_UNIT_execute_clks: 0.000000
- Function Unit Execution Instns Number:
* SP_UNIT_Instns_num: 4004.0
* SFU_UNIT_Instns_num: 736.0
* INT_UNIT_Instns_num: 24267.0
* DP_UNIT_Instns_num: 2177.0
* TENSOR_CORE_UNIT_Instns_num: 0.0
* LDST_UNIT_Instns_num: 3525.0
* SPEC_UNIT_1_Instns_num: 3255.0
* SPEC_UNIT_2_Instns_num: 0.0
* SPEC_UNIT_3_Instns_num: 0.0
* Other_UNIT_Instns_num: 0.0
- Function Unit Execution Instns Number Distribution:
* SP_UNIT_Instns_num: 0.105468
* SFU_UNIT_Instns_num: 0.019387
* INT_UNIT_Instns_num: 0.639211
* DP_UNIT_Instns_num: 0.057344
* TENSOR_CORE_UNIT_Instns_num: 0.000000
* LDST_UNIT_Instns_num: 0.092851
* SPEC_UNIT_1_Instns_num: 0.085739
* SPEC_UNIT_2_Instns_num: 0.000000
* SPEC_UNIT_3_Instns_num: 0.000000
* Other_UNIT_Instns_num: 0.000000
- Function Unit Execution Average Cycles Per Instn :
* SP_UNIT_average_cycles_per_instn: 21.485265
* SFU_UNIT_average_cycles_per_instn: 68.322011
* INT_UNIT_average_cycles_per_instn: 31.553509
* DP_UNIT_average_cycles_per_instn: 37.878273
* TENSOR_CORE_UNIT_average_cycles_per_instn: 0.000000
* LDST_UNIT_average_cycles_per_instn: 90.309220
* SPEC_UNIT_1_average_cycles_per_instn: 81.092780
* SPEC_UNIT_2_average_cycles_per_instn: 0.000000
* SPEC_UNIT_3_average_cycles_per_instn: 0.000000
* Other_UNIT_average_cycles_per_instn: 0.000000
- Report Time: 2024-04-13 18:12:11
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You can preview it from Zenodo
and the docker image is called micro57.tar.gz