Get the latest submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Install the dependencies required for BCompound
and compound-protocol
. Below command requires npm
and yarn
(compound-protocol uses yarn) installed:
npm install
Compiles the BCompound
and compound-protocol
npx hardhat compile
Generate TypeChain typings:
npx hardhat typechain
Run Hardhat EVM (in separate shell window):
npx hardhat node
The tests automaticallt deploys Compound Contracts on ganache / hardhat-HRE. Below command requires solc
command installed, if not installed, run sudo snap install solc
(only for ubuntu). The solc
version should be 0.5.16
. You can use solc-select
npx hardhat test
Deploy Contracts on Kovan / Mainnet:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
Instructions to test with truffle
npx ganache-cli -l 1250000000000 --allowUnlimitedContractSize -a 20 -q -e 100000000000000
npm run deploy-compound
npx truffle test
Run Coverage
npm run coverage
Liquidators can use the file to learn how to use PlayGround to write and run specific tests against BProtocol.