this telegram bot is a template based bot that can be more easly configured to your needs
ActionsDictionary is a list of dictionaries that represent the templates availiable for responses
'id' identification for follow up and next acts
'triggers' is a list of possible triggers that activate this action
'next_act_id' is the next imidiate act to do after completing this one
'follow_up_act_id' is the next act to do no matter what the user sends , like asking what is your name, then the 'follow_up_act_id' value will point to an action that saves the message the user sent after the question
'data' this value is formated with {data} and {text_message}.
- If there is {text_message} inside of 'data' it will get the last message sent from the user
- If there is saved data name in chat for 'nickname' if u use {data.nickname} inside of data, it will get you the saved value of it
'type' controls what to do with 'data' after format
- ActType.Text = sends a message back
- ActType.Animation = sends an animation back (needs url)
- ActType.SaveCommand = data is saved to variable name thats written in 'save_to_data_name' in chat
markup is the list of potential responses that the user can input by pressing a button
- MarkupType.StaticReply = shows the user a list of potential responses forever
- MarkupType.OneTimeReply = shows the user a list of potential responses but after the user select one it disapears
- MarkupType.Remove = removes the previous set markup, mainly use for removing MarkupType.StaticReply
'markup_data' - list of potential responses in format ',' will seperate between values and ':' will seperate between rows example "row1_item1,row1_item2:row2_item3"
'evaluate' uses eval function on 'data' and saves to 'save_to_data_name' variable name
Here are all the classes that use the telegram.Bot to send messages
InitializeActs() = creates all the possible actions after reading them from the ActDict variable(ActionsDictionary)
getActByTrigger(text_message) = To find the correct action to do after getting a message
doAct(bot,chat,msg) = do the action of this specific Act that was created by ActDict. Types of Act
- TextResponse = sends a message back
- AnimationResponse = sends an animation back
- SaveCommand = saves the 'data' with formating(see ActDict 'data') to 'save_to_data_name' value variable name
Class that holds the information of the chat like previous data changed and user first and last name. Also the chat remembers the follow up act it need to do after the getting the next message
- .data = all the data of the conversation saved on this variable, like nickname. from here the formating is taking data
- .follow_up_act = the follow up action after getting a message, if this exists it will do the action
- .unhandled_messages = a list of unhandled messages from the user, no trigger for this occasion
- GotMessage(bot,message) = does the action it suppose to do, if follow up exist it will do it, if not it will search for the appropriate Act by getActByTrigger If it does not find it will append to .unhandled_messages