- Implement a quantum computing simulator in order to help us understand quantum mechanics / quantum phenomena better.
- Simulate Shor's algorithm for factoring numbers.
- Visualize quantum circuits to help explain what's going on.
- Basis View
2^n complex numbers for each input / output of each gate.
Use color to indicate the argument
Use height? Arrow? To indicate the modulus.
- x_0|00>
- x_1|01>
- x_2|10>
- x_3|11>
- 1 |00>
- 0 |01>
- 0 |10>
- 0 |11>
- i/sqrt(4) |00>
- isqrt(3/8) |01>
- -isqrt(1/4) |10>
- isqrt(1/8) |11>
Show the probabilities at the outputs
- Reimplement the interference example with
- Implement Quantum Fourier Transform and its inverse
- Reimplement the interference example with
Example Qubit State:
phi = 1/sqrt(2) * (|0> + |1>)
If measured, Born Rule means that P(0) = 1/2, P(1) = 1/2.
In general: phi = alpha * |0> + beta * |1> where alpha^2 + beta^2 = 1
So, we can put alpha, beta, in a vector and call that the state of our Qubit.
(alpha, beta)^T on the unit sphere is an arbitrary state.
For multiple qubits, we have multiple vectors, but it's convenient to put them in one big vector and apply it.
e.g. CNOT
|00> -> |00> |01> -> |01> |10> -> |11> |11> -> |10>
We can represent this as a 4x4 matrix operating on a 4-component vector.
|10> = [0, 1, 1, 0]^T