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This is some of my college projects.
Some of code were written with Polish language in mind.


This is project of a system which could be used by the real estate broker.
System allows to add Clients (class Klient) and Employees (class Pracownik). Client can be the Seller (Sprzedajacy) or/and Buyer (Kupujacy). Seller signs the Contract (Umowa) with the broker for connection with potential Buyer (Kupujacy). Contract will refer to Real Estate (Nieruchomosc). Buyer (Kupujacy) can join the Presentation (Prezentacja). Brokers Employee (Pracownik) can be Trader (Handlowiec) or Appraiser (Rzeczoznawca). Appraiser (Rzeczoznawca) makes Evaluation (Wycena) of a Real Estate (Nieruchomosc). Trader (Handlowiec) will conduct a Presentation (Prezentacja) for potential Buyers (Kupujacy).
There are 3 types of Real Estate.
  1. Lot (Nieruchomosc)
  2. Building (Zabudowa)
    • House (Dom) - which is located on a Lot (Nieruchomosc)
    • Apartment (Mieszkanie)

This UML diagram (link) shows classes and their hierarchy. This is the design diagram prepared to implement in JAVA.

UTP - Universal Programming Techniques

This is folder containing homeworks from UTP classes.

TPO - Distributed Programming Techniques

This is folder containing homeworks from TPO classes, which are more advanced than UTP.


This is project of a dictionary server that returns translation of a word
client sends request in {"polish word","lang code", port}. Server gets the request and resend it to a proper language server such as English Server with following syntax {"polish word", client address, client port}. Project consists very primitive GUI for the client.


There are 2 types of clients: subscribers and admin client. The subscriber can subscribe a topic and unsubscribe it. Admin client can manage the topics and write informations about topics. Then the subscribers are beeing alerted when some new info have been published on the server.

This project uses Selectors to serve multiple Clients. I've made some automated tests in JUNIT as a result of developments proccess. The Main class of the server is and the clients GUIs are in package subscribers.Zad1.gui


This is some of my college projects.







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