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CodeCrafter47 edited this page Mar 10, 2022 · 15 revisions

The following components are available:


  1. Basic Component/ Single Slot

    {text: "...", icon: "image.png", ping: 0}

    The basic component represents the content of one slot in the tab list. It offers the following options:

    • icon

      The icon option controls the icon on the left of the slot.

      Icons in the tab list are a feature which has been added in Minecraft version 1.8. You will not see them using older clients. They are not available in offline mode either.

      The icon option can be set to one of the following:

      1. The name of a 8x8 pixel .png file you saved in the heads/ directory, e.g. colors/blue.png.

      2. A player name or uuid. You can set this to a name which does not belong to player to save bandwidth/ see random alex or steve skins. See for cool skins/heads.

    • ping

      The ping option configures the ping bar on the right of the slot. The following table shows the effect of different ping values:

      Value Description Image
      < 0 crossed out ping bar
      0 - 149 five bars
      150 - 299 four bars
      300 - 599 three bars
      600 - 999 two bars
      >999 one bar
    • left

      The left option sets the text displayed in the slot with alignment to the left. You can use the left, center and right options simultaneously, to have different pieces of text with different alignment in the same slot. You can use legacy formatting codes using the § or the & sign. Have a look at the Text Format page to learn about all options for selecting color, formatting and fonts. You can display information using placeholders.

    • center

      The center option sets the text displayed in the slot with alignment to the middle. You can use the left, center and right options simultaneously, to have different pieces of text with different alignment in the same slot. You can use legacy formatting codes using the § or the & sign. Have a look at the Text Format page to learn about all options for selecting color, formatting and fonts. You can display information using placeholders.

    • right

      The right option sets the text displayed in the slot with alignment to the right. You can use the left, center and right options simultaneously, to have different pieces of text with different alignment in the same slot. You can use legacy formatting codes using the § or the & sign. Have a look at the Text Format page to learn about all options for selecting color, formatting and fonts. You can display information using placeholders.

    • text

      The text option controls the text displayed in the slot. You can use legacy formatting codes using the § or the & sign. Have a look at the Text Format page to learn about all options for selecting color, formatting and fonts. You can display information using placeholders.

      Notice: Instead of using the text and alignment options we recommend you use the newer left, center and right options which allow you to have multiple pieces of text with different alignment in the same slot.

    • alignment

      The alignment can be used to change the text alignment. It can be set to LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT.


      {text: "Centered text", icon: "image.png", ping: 0, alignment: CENTER}

      Or to do right bound text:

      {text: "At the right", icon: "image.png", ping: 0, alignment: RIGHT}

      Notice: Instead of using the text and alignment options we recommend you use the newer left, center and right options which allow you to have multiple pieces of text with different alignment in the same slot.

    • longText

      The longText option allows specifying what happens if the text is too long to fit the slot. It can be set to DISPLAY_ALL, CROP, CROP_2DOTS or CROP_3DOTS. The default is DISPLAY_ALL which will display the text anyway. The other options cut off part of the text to make it fit an will eventually append 2 or 3 dots depending on which option you chose.

      The following table shows the different values you can use for the longText option:

      Value Result


      {text: "${player vault_prefix}${player name}", longText: CROP_2DOTS}
  2. !animated Component

    This !animated component makes it possible to create animated slots. To create an animation you need to provide a list of components of which the plugin displays one at a time and moves on to the next after the given time period. It has the following options which can be customized:

    • components

      The components option is a list of other components. Typically, each of those represents the content a single slot. The !animated component will display one of those at a time.

    • interval

      The interval option is the time (in seconds) after which the plugin will move to the next slot.

    • randomize

      The randomize option can be set to either true or false. Not setting it has the same effect as setting it to false. When randomize is set to true the different components will be displayed in random order, otherwise they will be cycled through from top to bottom.


    components: <List of Components>
    interval: <Number>
    randomize: <true/false>


    - !animated
      interval: 1.5
      - {text: "&cBalance: &6${viewer vault_balance 1.2}", icon: "default/balance.png", ping: 0}
      - {text: "&cRank: &6${viewer vault_primary_group}", icon: "default/rank.png", ping: 0}
      - {text: "&cPing: ${viewer_colored_ping}ms", icon: "default/ping.png", ping: 0}
  3. !conditional Component

    The !conditional component can dynamically change the content of the tab list. Depending on whether the given condition is fulfilled it is displays one of two replacements. It has the following options:

    • condition

      The condition option is a boolean expression deciding which replacement is used. You can use placeholders and compare them using operators such as =, < or > to create the condition.

    • true

      The true option must be set to a component (or list of components) that is displayed if the condition is fulfilled.

    • false

      The false option must be set to a component (or list of components) that is displayed if the condition evaluated to false.


    condition: <Expression>
    true: <Component or List of Components>
    false: <Component or List of Components>

    Example: The example shows how you can display whether a server is online. It also changes the icon of the slot.

    condition: ${server:survival online} == true
    true: {text: "&bSurvival: &aONLINE", icon: "colors/green.png", ping: 0}
    false: {text: "&bSurvival: &cOFFLINE", icon: "colors/red.png", ping: 0}

    Additional Information: Expression Syntax

  4. !players Component

    The !players component provides a simple way of adding players to the tab list. The following options can be used to customize the !players component.

    • playerSet

      The playerSet option selects which players to display on the tab list.

      If you want to change which players the tab list displays, e.g. so it only displays players in a specific group, do the following:

      1. Create a player set containing the players you want to display. Check out the Player Sets wiki page for more information.
      2. Set playerSet to the name of the player set you created in step i.
    • playerOrder

      The playerOrder option specifies the order in which players are displayed on the tab list. Have a look at the Player Order wiki page for more information.

    • playerComponent

      The playerComponent option controls the text displayed in player slots. You can use placeholders to display nicknames, prefixes and suffixes and otherwise change the appearance of the player name.

      Note that when using placeholders you should use the player variant of the placeholder.

    • morePlayersComponent

      The morePlayersComponent option is a custom slot that is displayed if there is not enough space on the tab list to display all of the players:

    • fillSlotsVertical

      The fillSlotsVertical option can be used to change the order in which slots are filled. The following screenshot illustrates the effect:

      fillSlotsVertical: false fillSlotsVertical: true

      Not using the fillSlotsVertical option has the same effect as setting it to false. If it is not present in your config file and you want to use it all you have to do is to add the fillSlotsVertical: true line to the options of the !players component.

    • minSize

      The minSize option specifies the minimum number of slots to be used by the !players component. If there are less players than the number specified by minSize, the plugin will add some empty slots after the players, such that the !players component uses minSize slots.

    • maxSize

      The maxSize option specifies the maximum number of slots to be used by the !players component. If there are more players than can be displayed in maxSize slots, the plugin will not display all of them, make use of the morePlayersComponent to indicate that there are more players and use exactly maxSize slots.

      Setting minSize and maxSize to the same value guarantees that the !players component always uses the same number of slots. It will not change its size depending on the number of players. That way the component after the !players component always appears at the same location. This can be useful for some layouts, especially in conjunction with the !table component.


    playerSet: <String>
    playerOrder: <String>
    playerComponent: <Component or list of components>
    morePlayersComponent: <Component or list of components>
    fillSlotsVertical: <true/false>
    minSize: <Number>
    maxSize: <Number>


    playerSet: all_players
    playerOrder: "vault_primary_group_weight asc, name asc"
    playerComponent: "${player name}"
    morePlayersComponent: {text: "... and ${other_count} others", icon: "default/players.png", ping: 0}
  5. !players_by_server Component

    The !players_by_server component adds players to the tab list grouping them by server as seen in the default config. You can customize its appearance using the following options:

    • playerSet

      The playerSet option selects which players to display on the tab list.

      If you want to change which players the tab list displays, e.g. so it only displays players in a specific group, do the following:

      1. Create a player set containing the players you want to display. Check out the Player Sets wiki page for more information.
      2. Set playerSet to the name of the player set you created in step i.
    • playerOrder

      The playerOrder option specifies the order in which players are displayed on the tab list. Have a look at the Player Order wiki page for more information.

    • serverOrder

      Determines the order of the servers. Possible values for serverOrder are alphabetically, playercount, online and custom. Multiple orderings can be chained by separating the with a comma, just the way it works with playerOrder.

    • customServerOrder

      Specifies the server order if you used custom in the serverOrder option.

      Example using serverOrder: custom:

      playerSet: all_players
      serverOrder: custom
      customServerOrder: [spawn, survival, creative]
      # ...
    • serverHeader

      The serverHeader option specifies a list of custom slots displayed for each server above the players on that server. Here two special placeholders ${server} and ${server_player_count} can be used to display the name of the server and the number of players on it.

    • serverFooter

      The serverFooter specifies a list of custom slots displayed for each server below the players on that server. Here two special placeholders ${server} and ${server_player_count} can be used to display the name of the server and the number of players on it.

    • serverSeparator

      The serverSeparator specifies a list of custom slots displayed between each pair of two servers.

    • showServers

      The showServers controls which servers should appear on the tablist:

      Option Description
      ALL All servers are displayed
      ONLINE Only running servers are displayed
      NON_EMPTY Only non empty servers are displayed


    • mergeServers

      The mergeServers option makes two or more servers appear as a single server. This is useful e.g. if you have multiple lobby servers.


        <group name>: [<server name>, <servername>, ...]
        <group name>: [<server name>, <servername>, ...]

      Example on using the mergeServers option:

      playerSet: all_players
      serverHeader: "> &b${server}"
        lobby: [lobby0, lobby1]  
      # ...
    • prioritizeViewerServer

      Setting the prioritizeViewerServer option to true tells the plugin to use more space for displaying the viewer's server. Instead of using an equal amount of slots for each server, the viewer's server will be given more space if required to fit all its players. The prioritizeViewerServer is enabled by default.

    • hiddenServers

      The hiddenServers option specifies a list of servers which will not be displayed.

      Example on using the hiddenServers option:

      playerSet: all_players
      showServers: ALL
      hiddenServers: [hub, private]
      # ...
    • playerComponent

      The playerComponent option controls the text displayed in player slots. You can use placeholders to display nicknames, prefixes and suffixes and otherwise change the appearance of the player name.

      Note that when using placeholders you should use the player variant of the placeholder.

    • morePlayersComponent

      The morePlayersComponent option is a custom slot that is displayed if there is not enough space on the tab list to display all of the players:

    • fillSlotsVertical

      The fillSlotsVertical option can be used to change the order in which slots are filled. The following screenshot illustrates the effect:

      fillSlotsVertical: false fillSlotsVertical: true

      Not using the fillSlotsVertical option has the same effect as setting it to false. If it is not present in your config file and you want to use it all you have to do is to add the fillSlotsVertical: true line to the options of the !players_by_server component.

    • minSizePerServer

      The minSizePerServer option specifies the minimum number of slots to be used for each server. This includes the serverHeader, the players, the morePlayersComponent and the serverFooter.

    • maxSizePerServer

      The maxSizePerServer option specifies the maximum number of slots to be used for a single server. This includes the serverHeader, the players, the morePlayersComponent and the serverFooter.

    • minSize

      The minSize option specifies the minimum number of slots to be used by the !players_by_server component. If there are less players than the number specified by minSize, the plugin will add some empty slots after the players, such that the !players_by_server component uses minSize slots.

    • maxSize

      The maxSize option specifies the maximum number of slots to be used by the !players_by_server component. If there are more players than can be displayed in maxSize slots, the plugin will not display all of them, make use of the morePlayersComponent to indicate that there are more players and use exactly maxSize slots.

      Setting minSize and maxSize to the same value guarantees that the !players_by_server component always uses the same number of slots. It will not change its size depending on the number of players. That way the component after the !players_by_server component always appears at the same location. This can be useful for some layouts, especially in conjunction with the !table component.


    playerSet: <String>
    playerOrder: <String>
    serverOrder: <String>
    customServerOrder: <List of servers>
    serverHeader: <List of Components>
    serverFooter: <List of Components>
    serverSeparator: <List of Components>
    showServers: <ALL, ONLINE, NON_EMPTY>
      <group name>: [<server name>, <servername>, ...]
    prioritizeViewerServer: <true/false>
    hiddenServers: <List of servers>
    playerComponent: <Component or list of components>
    morePlayersComponent: <Component or list of components>
    fillSlotsVertical: <true/false>
    minSizePerServer: <Number>
    maxSizePerServer: <Number>
    minSize: <Number>
    maxSize: <Number>


    playerSet: global
    playerOrder: "vault_primary_group_weight asc, name asc"
    serverOrder: "playercount,alphabetically"
    - {text: "&e&n${server}&f&o (${server_player_count}):", icon: "colors/yellow.png", ping: 0}
    showServers: NON_EMPTY
    playerComponent: "${player name}"
    morePlayersComponent: {text: "&7... and &e${other_count} &7others", icon: "colors/gray.png", ping: 0}
  6. !table Component

    The !table component makes it possible to configure the columns of the tab list individually. It has two options:

    • columns

      The columns option is a map. It maps each column number to a list of components that will be displayed in that column. The columns numbers start from 0 (left most column). You use two columns to display single component by joining the column number with a -, e.g. using 1-2 as key.

    • size

      The size option specifies the number of slots used by the !table component. This option is optional, and should not be required by most users. When used this must be a multiple of the number of columns.


    size: <Number>
      <Column number(s)>: <List of Components>


        - "Content of the first column"
        - "..."
        - "This"
        - "goes"
        - "to"
        - "the"
        - "second"
        - "and"
        - "third"
        - "column"
        - "Content of the fourth column"
        - "..."
  7. !spacer component

    The !spacer component can be used to fill part of the tab list with empty slots. Those slots will use the icon defined by the defaultIcon option and the ping set by the defaultPing option. The !spacer component does not have any configurable options.



    Example showing the use of the !spacer component with some context:

    size: 20
    - {text: "Top-most slot", icon: "colors/gold.png", ping: 0}
    - !spacer
    - {text: "Slot at the very bottom", icon: "colors/gold.png", ping: 0}
  8. !container component

    The !container component acts as a wrapper for the other components it contains. It allows changing the order in which those components fill the slots of the tab list as well setting a minimum/ maximum for the number of slots used by those components.

    The !container component has the following options:

    • fillSlotsVertical

      The fillSlotsVertical option can be used to change the order in which slots are filled. Not using the fillSlotsVertical option has the same effect as setting it to false.

    • minSize

      The minSize option specifies the minimum number of slots to be used. If the components inside the !container component use less slots than specified by minSize, the plugin will add empty slots.

    • maxSize

      The maxSize option specifies the maximum number of slots that can be used by the components inside the !container component.

    • components

      The components option specifies the components inside the !container component.


    fillSlotsVertical: <true/false>
    minSize: <Number>
    maxSize: <Number>
    components: <List of Components>

    Example showing the use of the !container component with some context:

    - !container
      fillSlotsVertical: true
      - "Admins:"
      - !players
        playerSet: admins
        playerComponent: "${player vault_prefix}${player name}${afk_tag}"
        morePlayersComponent: {text: "&7... and &e${other_count} &7others", icon: "colors/gray.png", ping: 0}
      - !players
        playerSet: non_admins
        playerComponent: "${player vault_prefix}${player name}${afk_tag}"
        morePlayersComponent: {text: "&7... and &e${other_count} &7others", icon: "colors/gray.png", ping: 0}

Next: Player Order

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