Automated packet capture and client deauth using aircrack-ng.
This project was initially created for Raspberry Pi with an external wifi adapter. Written in Python, supports both Python2 and Python3.
Fun fact: this project exists only because I haven't read the readme for wifite2, and thought it did not have only handshake mode. Moral of the story: always read the readme! On a serious note, check out wifite2, it's a far better tool.
You must use autocap only on networks you have permission to.
git clone
cd autocap
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure you are in the right directory!
python3 -i wlan0 NETWORK
To retain internet connection:
python3 -i interface NETWORK --nokill
This will not kill NetworkManager, allowing you to retain internet connection on other interfaces. May not work depending upon your software/firmware.
All options python3 -h
└─$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [-i INTERFACE] [-c CONFIDENCE] [-p PACKETS] [-d DIRECTORY] [--nokill] [--nolog] [--noclear] NETWORK
Automatically capture handshake
positional arguments:
NETWORK Network name.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INTERFACE Interface.
-c CONFIDENCE Confidence in guessing network name from 0 to 1 (default = 0.6).
-p PACKETS Amount of packets to send (default = 10)
-d DIRECTORY Directory, in which .cap file is stored (default = mydirectory/wifis/NETWORK/)
--nokill Won't kill NetworkManager. May not work depending upon your software/firmware.
--nolog Won't print anything to console. (Why?)
--noclear Won't clear files generated by airmong-ng.