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This module is the first step for deploying the Coalfire-Azure-RAMPpak FedRAMP Framework. It will create the core resources needed to deploy the rest of the environment.

Learn more at Coalfire OpenSource.


  • New Azure Commercial or Gov Subscription

Resource List

  • Resource group
  • Vnet
  • Private DNS zone if desired
  • Entra ID Diagnostic logs
  • Storage account to store the terraform state files
  • Key Vault
  • Log Analytics workspace
  • Subscription diagnostics monitor

Update /coalfire-azure-pak/terraform/prod/ file variables:

Name Description Sample
subscription_id The Azure subscription ID where resources are being deployed into. This should be the subscription for the management plane 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
tenant_id The Azure tenant ID that owns the deployed resources. Found in Entra ID properties tab in the portal 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
app_subscription_ids The Azure subscription IDs for client application subscriptions. This should be the subscription for the application plane ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]
app_abbreviation two or three digit abbreviation for app resource naming "CF"
cidrs_for_remote_access List of CIDRs that will be allowed to access the resources [""]
admin_principal_ids" List of admin principal IDs that will be set as admins on resources. Found on each users properties in Entra ID ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"]


The folder you will deploy from. Most of the folder calls from the vars the only updates you need to make are enable logs or Entra ID permissions. If you're developing/testing it's probably best to turn these off because of existing permissions/log conflicts. For a new environment you should enable these.

Deployment Steps

  • Ensure the backend "azurerm" portion of the file is commented out for initial deployment. The state file will be created as part of this apply and we will migrate the state file to the newly created storage account.
  • Ensure file is commented out for initial deployment. This file will be used to access information in the state as the deployment progresses.
  • Login to the Azure CLI: az login. If your subscription is in Azure Gov change the cloud first with: az login --environment AzureUSGovernment
  • Change directories to the /coalfire-azure-pak/terraform/prod/us-va/security-core directory.
  • Run terraform init.
  • Run terraform plan to review the resources being created.
  • If everything looks correct in the plan output, run terraform apply.

Warning It does take some time for the initial key vault permissions to propagate. If you get a 400 error about the Customer Managed Key for the state storage account, wait a few minutes and try again. The deployment should complete successfully.

Migrate State

Now that the storage account exists you need to migrate the local state file to the remote state storage account.

  1. Uncomment the backend "azurerm" portion of the file.
  2. update the resource_group_name, storage_account_name and container_name variables to match the newly created storage account.
  3. Run terraform init to initialize the backend. You will be prompted to migrate the state file. Select yes.
  4. Run terraform apply to migrate the state file to the remote storage account.
  5. Delete the terraform.tfstate and terraform.tfstate.backup files.
  6. Uncomment the file for the Core block only.
  7. Commit changes and push to repo.


provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

module "core" {
  source = ""

  subscription_id          = var.subscription_id
  resource_prefix          = local.resource_prefix
  location_abbreviation    = var.location_abbreviation
  location                 = var.location
  app_abbreviation         = var.app_abbreviation
  tenant_id                = var.tenant_id
  regional_tags            = var.regional_tags
  global_tags              = merge(var.global_tags, local.global_local_tags)
  core_rg_name             = "${local.resource_prefix}-core-rg"
  cidrs_for_remote_access  = var.cidrs_for_remote_access
  ip_for_remote_access     = var.ip_for_remote_access
  admin_principal_ids      = var.admin_principal_ids
  private_dns_zone_name    = var.domain_name
  app_subscription_ids     = var.app_subscription_ids
  enable_sub_logs          = false
  enable_aad_logs          = false
  enable_aad_permissions   = false
  custom_private_dns_zones = [var.domain_name]
  azure_private_dns_zones = [

  # uncomment and rerun terraform apply after the networks are created if you're using FWs
  #fw_virtual_network_subnet_ids = data.terraform_remote_state.usgv_mgmt_vnet.outputs.usgv_mgmt_vnet_subnet_ids["${local.resource_prefix}-bastion-sn-1"] #Uncomment and rerun terraform apply after the mgmt-network is created


No requirements.


Name Version
azuread n/a
azurerm n/a
tls n/a


Name Source Version
core_kv n/a
diag_la_queries_sa n/a
diag_law n/a
diag_sub n/a
diag_tf_state_sa n/a


Name Type
azuread_directory_role.app_owners resource
azuread_directory_role.groups_administrator resource
azuread_directory_role_assignment.assign_app_owners resource
azuread_directory_role_assignment.assign_groups_administrator resource resource
azurerm_key_vault_key.ars-cmk resource
azurerm_key_vault_key.avd-cmk resource
azurerm_key_vault_key.cloudshell-cmk resource resource
azurerm_key_vault_key.flowlog-cmk resource
azurerm_key_vault_key.install-cmk resource
azurerm_key_vault_key.law_queries-cmk resource
azurerm_key_vault_key.tstate-cmk resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.xadm_ssh resource
azurerm_log_analytics_linked_storage_account.law_alerts resource
azurerm_log_analytics_linked_storage_account.law_queries resource
azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.core-la resource
azurerm_monitor_aad_diagnostic_setting.aadlogs resource
azurerm_private_dns_zone.default resource
azurerm_resource_group.core resource
azurerm_role_assignment.assign_app_sub_contributor resource
azurerm_role_assignment.assign_app_sub_user_access resource
azurerm_role_assignment.assign_sub_contributor resource
azurerm_role_assignment.assign_sub_user_access resource
azurerm_role_assignment.core_kv_administrator resource
azurerm_role_assignment.law_queries_kv_crypto_user resource
azurerm_role_assignment.tstate_kv_crypto_user resource
azurerm_storage_account.law_queries resource
azurerm_storage_account.tf_state resource
azurerm_storage_account_customer_managed_key.enable_law_queries_cmk resource
azurerm_storage_account_customer_managed_key.enable_tstate_cmk resource
azurerm_storage_container.law_queries resource
azurerm_storage_container.tf_state_lock resource
azurerm_storage_management_policy.lifecycle_mgmt resource
tls_private_key.xadm resource
azurerm_client_config.current data source
azurerm_subscription.primary data source


Name Description Type Default Required
admin_principal_ids admin principal ids set(string) n/a yes
app_abbreviation The prefix for the blob storage account names string n/a yes
app_subscription_ids The Azure subscription IDs for org microservices map(any) n/a yes
azure_private_dns_zones List of Private DNS zones to create. list(string)
cidrs_for_remote_access admin ciders list(any) n/a yes
core_rg_name Resource group name for core security services string "core-rg-1" no
custom_private_dns_zones List of custom private DNS zones to create. list(string) [] no
dr_location The Azure location/region for DR resources. string "usgovtexas" no
enable_aad_logs Enable/Disable Entra ID logging bool true no
enable_aad_permissions Enable/Disable provisioning basic Entra ID level permissions. bool true no
enable_sub_logs Enable/Disable subscription level logging bool true no
global_tags Global level tags map(string) n/a yes
ip_for_remote_access This is the same as 'cidrs_for_remote_access' but without the /32 on each of the files. The 'ip_rules' in the storage account will not accept a '/32' address and I gave up trying to strip and convert the values over list(any) n/a yes
location The Azure location/region to create resources in string n/a yes
location_abbreviation The Azure location/region in 4 letter code string n/a yes
private_dns_zone_name The name of the Private DNS Zone. Must be a valid domain name. string null no
regional_tags Regional level tags map(string) n/a yes
resource_prefix Name prefix used for resources string n/a yes
subscription_id The Azure subscription ID where resources are being deployed into string n/a yes
tenant_id The Azure tenant ID that owns the deployed resources string n/a yes


Name Description
ad-cmk_id AD SA CMK ID
ars-cmk_id Azure Recovery Services SA CMK ID
avd-cmk_id Azure Virtual Desktop CMK ID
cloudshell-cmk_id Cloudshell SA CMK ID
core_kv_id Value of the Core Key Vault ID
core_kv_name Name of the Core Key vault
core_la_id value of the core log analytics workspace id
core_la_primaryKey value of the core log analytics workspace primary key
core_la_secondaryKey value of the core log analytics workspace secondary key
core_la_workspace_id value of the core log analytics workspace id
core_la_workspace_name value of the core log analytics workspace name
core_private_dns_zone_id Private DNS Zone IDs
core_private_dns_zones Private DNS Zone names
core_rg_name Name of the core resource group
core_xadm_ssh_public_key Value of the SSH public key for xadm
docs-cmk_id Docs SA CMK ID
flowlog-cmk_id Flowlogs SA CMK ID
install-cmk_id Installs SA CMK ID
law_queries-cmk_id Log Analytics Workspace Queries SA CMK ID
tstate-cmk_id Terraform State SA CMK ID


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