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provide a simple plug and play server in C

Basic usage

With a correct usage, the library has no valgrind errors, nor memory leaks.

#include "network.h"

int main(int ac, char **av)
    server_t *serv = create_server(8080);
    int ret = 0;
    if (!serv)
        return (2);
    // You need to create a function that setup all callback function
    serv->client_connected = &your_when_i_connect_function;
    if (serv->setup(serv))
        return (3);
    ret = serv->start(serv);
    if (ret != 0 && ret != CTRLC)
        printf("fatal error\n");
    return (0);

Output :

user@localhost~$ ./default_server
[+]Server: create server
[+]Server: initialized function.
[+]Server: DONE
[+]Server: socket setup DONE
[+]Server: listen on :8080
## CTRL-C to stop the server
[+]Server: kill or gracefully shutdown
select: Interrupted system call
[+]Server: Destroyed

The Object


value type description
port int the port where the server listent
is_running int the return status of the start function


Here are the methods of the object :

name return type parameters description
setup int server_t *serv setup the server to listent on port given at constructor
start int server_t *serv start the server and all the logic behind
stop void server_t *serv, int status stop the server with given status, 0 on success, other on error (refered to network error header) accessible at the return of start methods
kick void server_t *serv, int kick kick the id client from the server
client_connected void server_t *serv, size_t id action to do when a client id is connected
client_disconnected void server_t *serv, size_t id action to do when a client id is disconnected
setup_send void server_t *serv, void(*)(server_t *serv, size_t id, void *data, size_t data_size) set the callback function for send (by default it's default_send)
setup_receive void server_t *serv, int (*)(server_t *serv, int id, const void *buff, size_t size, void *context) set the callback function for receive (by default it's default_receive)
setup_receive_client void server_t *serv, int (*)(server_t *serv, int id, const void *buff, size_t size, void *context), size_t id set the callback function for receive for a define client (by default it's default_receive)
setup_client_connected void server_t *serv, void(*)(server_t *serv, int id) set the callback function for client_connected (by default it's default_client_connected)
setup_client_disconnected void server_t *serv, void(*)(server_t *serv, int id) set the callback function for client_disconnected (by default it's default_client_disconnected)
send void server_t *serv, size_t id, void *data, size_t data_size send size of datato theid client
receive int server_t *serv, size_t id, const void *buff, size_t size, void *context receive data from the id client`

The arguments void *context is for all applications you'll need other then the built in network features. The network layer act as a while true loop that manage all kind of input as CTRL-C and it's leave to the developper to develop a strong callback architechture that can handle most of imaginable case.


  • the received callback don't handle data other then a give away to your application.


  • Add timeout to select
  • Manage default send
  • Manage default receive
  • Add more unit tests

External fonctions

name return type parameters description
create_server server_t * int port create a server_t object that is ready to listent on the port given
destroy_server void void set the server_t in a state to be destroy and clear so clear all memory allocated
backup_server server_t * || NULL server_t * if a server_t *is given as parameter, the function store in a static way the pointer, if the parameter isNULL, the function return the server_t * stored


Contributions are greatly apreciated. Do not hesitate to pull request, or open issues ! Thanks !


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