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CloudForecast Barometer Agent

Welcome to CloudForecast's Barometer Agent!

This repository provides a Helm chart to automatically install the Barometer Agent to monitor your Kubernetes cluster, as well as optionally installing Prometheus, kube-state-metrics, and node-exporter if you do not already have them installed.


To install the agent, you can use our Helm chart.

First, add the repository:

helm repo add cloudforecast-barometer

If you already have a monitoring stack running (Prometheus, kube-state-metrics, and node-exporter), you can just point our agent to your prometheus endpoint (e.g: http://prometheus-server.default.svc.cluster.local):

helm upgrade --install cloudforecast-barometer cloudforecast-barometer/cloudforecast-agent \
    --set barometerAgent.clusterUuid=<provided uuid> \
    --set barometerAgent.apiKey=<provided api key> \
    --set barometerAgent.prometheusUrlOverride=<prometheus endpoint>

If you , install the chart:

helm upgrade --install cloudforecast-barometer cloudforecast-barometer/cloudforecast-agent \
    --set barometerAgent.clusterUuid=<provided uuid> \
    --set barometerAgent.apiKey=<provided api key> \
    --set prometheus.enabled=true

To see what configuration options are available, see values.yaml.


Updating the version number

When you've made changes to the chart, update the version key in Chart.yaml to a new version number. When ready, push to the main branch. The chart will be automatically packaged, tagged with the correct version number, and published to the Helm repo at

If you have made changes to the application itself, update both appVersion and version in Chart.yaml. A new Docker container with the specified appVersion number will be automatically published to Github Container Registry and included in the chart.