Releases: CliqueStudios/Clique.UI
Releases · CliqueStudios/Clique.UI
v. 1.0.4 - Public Beta
Public Beta release of Clique.UI.
Maintenance Update v. 1.0.3
Updated to version 1.0.3
- Improved legibility in all less files.
- Reduced number of unused variables in less files
- Fully converted all .coffee files to .js
Maintenance Update v. 1.0.2
Including new unit test files for casper
Updated less files including:
- Removing unused variables
- Combining similar modules into singular file
- Standardizing spacing and commenting
- Updating module definitions
Removing coffeescript files. Rather than use coffeescript as a JS precompiler, we'll be going with plain JavaScript so as to broaden the number and range of potential contributors.
Maintenance Update v. 1.0.1
##Maintenance Update v. 1.0.1
Updated package.json and Gruntfile.js to reflect latest node modules being used.
Included new unit tests with Mocha and updated CasperJS tests
Minor changes to source files for improved use and readability
Initial Release
##Version 1.0.0 - First public release
Includes all publicly available modules and components.