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Fix a bug in the adapt of PartialCellBottom (#3682)
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* fix a bug in the adapt

* first fix

* bugfix

* these should be all the bugs, still need to add the tests

* another bugfix

* Clamp bottom_height to top and bottom of grid

* Bugfix

* Implement clamping for both GF and PC bottom

* Convert internal tide example to use extension

* apply_regionally *sigh*

* Disambiguate

* using CairoMakie


Co-authored-by: Gregory L. Wagner <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
simone-silvestri and glwagner authored Sep 27, 2024
1 parent 8700865 commit 675e0ba
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Showing 5 changed files with 103 additions and 36 deletions.
17 changes: 9 additions & 8 deletions examples/internal_tide.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@

using Oceananigans
using Oceananigans.Units
using Oceananigans.ImmersedBoundaries: PartialCellBottom

# ## Grid

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ width = 20kilometers
hill(x) = h₀ * exp(-x^2 / 2width^2)
bottom(x) = - H + hill(x)

grid = ImmersedBoundaryGrid(underlying_grid, GridFittedBottom(bottom))
grid = ImmersedBoundaryGrid(underlying_grid, PartialCellBottom(bottom))

# Let's see how the domain with the bathymetry is.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ bᵢ(x, z) = Nᵢ² * z

set!(model, u=uᵢ, b=bᵢ)

# Now let's built a `Simulation`.
# Now let's build a `Simulation`.

Δt = 5minutes
stop_time = 4days
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,9 +235,9 @@ n = Observable(1)
title = @lift @sprintf("t = %1.2f days = %1.2f T₂",
round(times[$n] / day, digits=2) , round(times[$n] / T₂, digits=2))

u′ = @lift u′_t[$n]
wₙ = @lift w_t[$n]
= @lift N²_t[$n]
u′n = @lift u′_t[$n]
wn = @lift w_t[$n]
n = @lift N²_t[$n]

axis_kwargs = (xlabel = "x [km]",
ylabel = "z [km]",
Expand All @@ -248,15 +249,15 @@ fig = Figure(size = (700, 900))
fig[1, :] = Label(fig, title, fontsize=24, tellwidth=false)

ax_u = Axis(fig[2, 1]; title = "u'-velocity", axis_kwargs...)
hm_u = heatmap!(ax_u, xu, zu, u′ₙ; colorrange = (-umax, umax), colormap = :balance)
hm_u = heatmap!(ax_u, xu, zu, u′n; nan_color=:gray, colorrange=(-umax, umax), colormap=:balance)
Colorbar(fig[2, 2], hm_u, label = "m s⁻¹")

ax_w = Axis(fig[3, 1]; title = "w-velocity", axis_kwargs...)
hm_w = heatmap!(ax_w, xw, zw, wₙ; colorrange = (-wmax, wmax), colormap = :balance)
hm_w = heatmap!(ax_w, xw, zw, wn; nan_color=:gray, colorrange=(-wmax, wmax), colormap=:balance)
Colorbar(fig[3, 2], hm_w, label = "m s⁻¹")

ax_N² = Axis(fig[4, 1]; title = "stratification N²", axis_kwargs...)
hm_N² = heatmap!(ax_N², xN², zN², N²ₙ; colorrange = (0.9Nᵢ², 1.1Nᵢ²), colormap = :thermal)
hm_N² = heatmap!(ax_N², xN², zN², N²n; nan_color=:gray, colorrange=(0.9Nᵢ², 1.1Nᵢ²), colormap=:magma)
Colorbar(fig[4, 2], hm_N², label = "s⁻²")

Expand Down
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions src/ImmersedBoundaries/abstract_grid_fitted_boundary.jl
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Expand Up @@ -53,3 +53,20 @@ const AGFB = AbstractGridFittedBoundary
@inline immersed_cell(i, j, k, grid::AbstractGrid{<:Any, Flat, Flat, Flat}, ib::AGFB) = _immersed_cell(1, 1, 1, grid, ib)

function clamp_bottom_height!(bottom_field, grid)
launch!(architecture(grid), grid, :xy, _clamp_bottom_height!, bottom_field, grid)
return nothing

const c = Center()
const f = Face()

@kernel function _clamp_bottom_height!(z, grid)
i, j = @index(Global, NTuple)
Nz = size(grid, 3)
zmin = znode(i, j, 1, grid, c, c, f)
zmax = znode(i, j, Nz+1, grid, c, c, f)
@inbounds z[i, j, 1] = clamp(z[i, j, 1], zmin, zmax)

13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/ImmersedBoundaries/grid_fitted_bottom.jl
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Expand Up @@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ Keyword Arguments
GridFittedBottom(bottom_height) = GridFittedBottom(bottom_height, CenterImmersedCondition())

function Base.summary(ib::GridFittedBottom)
hmax = maximum(ib.bottom_height)
hmin = minimum(ib.bottom_height)
hmean = mean(ib.bottom_height)
zmax = maximum(ib.bottom_height)
zmin = minimum(ib.bottom_height)
zmean = mean(ib.bottom_height)

summary1 = "GridFittedBottom("

summary2 = string("mean(z)=", prettysummary(hmean),
", min(z)=", prettysummary(hmin),
", max(z)=", prettysummary(hmax))
summary2 = string("mean(z)=", prettysummary(zmean),
", min(z)=", prettysummary(zmin),
", max(z)=", prettysummary(zmax))

summary3 = ")"

Expand All @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ Computes `ib.bottom_height` and wraps it in a Field.
function ImmersedBoundaryGrid(grid, ib::GridFittedBottom)
bottom_field = Field{Center, Center, Nothing}(grid)
set!(bottom_field, ib.bottom_height)
@apply_regionally clamp_bottom_height!(bottom_field, grid)
new_ib = GridFittedBottom(bottom_field, ib.immersed_condition)
TX, TY, TZ = topology(grid)
Expand Down
76 changes: 54 additions & 22 deletions src/ImmersedBoundaries/partial_cell_bottom.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ struct PartialCellBottom{H, E} <: AbstractGridFittedBottom{H}
minimum_fractional_cell_height :: E

const PCBIBG = ImmersedBoundaryGrid{<:Any, <:Any, <:Any, <:Any, <:Any, <:PartialCellBottom}
const PCBIBG{FT, TX, TY, TZ} = ImmersedBoundaryGrid{FT, TX, TY, TZ, <:Any, <:PartialCellBottom} where {FT, TX, TY, TZ}

function Base.summary(ib::PartialCellBottom)
hmax = maximum(parent(ib.bottom_height))
hmin = minimum(parent(ib.bottom_height))
hmean = mean(parent(ib.bottom_height))
zmax = maximum(parent(ib.bottom_height))
zmin = minimum(parent(ib.bottom_height))
zmean = mean(parent(ib.bottom_height))

summary1 = "PartialCellBottom("

summary2 = string("mean(z)=", prettysummary(hmean),
", min(z)=", prettysummary(hmin),
", max(z)=", prettysummary(hmax),
summary2 = string("mean(zb)=", prettysummary(zmean),
", min(zb)=", prettysummary(zmin),
", max(zb)=", prettysummary(zmax),
", ϵ=", prettysummary(ib.minimum_fractional_cell_height))

summary3 = ")"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ end
function ImmersedBoundaryGrid(grid, ib::PartialCellBottom)
bottom_field = Field{Center, Center, Nothing}(grid)
set!(bottom_field, ib.bottom_height)
@apply_regionally clamp_bottom_height!(bottom_field, grid)
new_ib = PartialCellBottom(bottom_field, ib.minimum_fractional_cell_height)
TX, TY, TZ = topology(grid)
Expand All @@ -77,32 +78,49 @@ function on_architecture(arch, ib::PartialCellBottom{<:Field})
return PartialCellBottom(new_bottom_height, ib.minimum_fractional_cell_height)

Adapt.adapt_structure(to, ib::PartialCellBottom) = PartialCellBottom(adapt(to,,
Adapt.adapt_structure(to, ib::PartialCellBottom) = PartialCellBottom(adapt(to, ib.bottom_height),

on_architecture(to, ib::PartialCellBottom) = PartialCellBottom(on_architecture(to,,
on_architecture(to, ib::PartialCellBottom) = PartialCellBottom(on_architecture(to, ib.bottom_height),
on_architecture(to, ib.minimum_fractional_cell_height))

∘ k+1
k+1 --x-- ↑ <- node z
∘ k | Δz
k --x-- ↓
immersed underlying
--x-- --x--
∘ ↑ ∘ k+1
k+1 --x-- | k+1 --x-- ↑ <- node z
∘ ↓ |
zb ⋅⋅x⋅⋅ |
∘ k | Δz
k --x-- ↓
Criterion is h ≥ z - ϵ Δz
Criterion is zb ≥ z - ϵ Δz
@inline function _immersed_cell(i, j, k, underlying_grid, ib::PartialCellBottom)
# Face node above current cell
z = znode(i, j, k+1, underlying_grid, c, c, f)
h = @inbounds ib.bottom_height[i, j, 1]
return z h
# Face node below current cell
z = znode(i, j, k, underlying_grid, c, c, f)
zb = @inbounds ib.bottom_height[i, j, 1]
ϵ = ib.minimum_fractional_cell_height
# z + Δz is equal to the face above the current cell
Δz = Δzᶜᶜᶜ(i, j, k, underlying_grid)
return (z + Δz * (1 - ϵ)) zb

@inline bottom_cell(i, j, k, ibg::PCBIBG) = !immersed_cell(i, j, k, ibg.underlying_grid, ibg.immersed_boundary) &
immersed_cell(i, j, k-1, ibg.underlying_grid, ibg.immersed_boundary)
@inline function bottom_cell(i, j, k, ibg::PCBIBG)
grid = ibg.underlying_grid
ib = ibg.immersed_boundary
# This one's not immersed, but the next one down is
return !immersed_cell(i, j, k, grid, ib) & immersed_cell(i, j, k-1, grid, ib)

@inline function Δzᶜᶜᶜ(i, j, k, ibg::PCBIBG)
underlying_grid = ibg.underlying_grid
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,4 +163,18 @@ end
@inline Δzᶜᶠᶠ(i, j, k, ibg::PCBIBG) = min(Δzᶜᶜᶠ(i, j-1, k, ibg), Δzᶜᶜᶠ(i, j, k, ibg))
@inline Δzᶠᶠᶠ(i, j, k, ibg::PCBIBG) = min(Δzᶠᶜᶠ(i, j-1, k, ibg), Δzᶠᶜᶠ(i, j, k, ibg))

# Make sure Δz works for horizontally-Flat topologies.
# (There's no point in using z-Flat with PartialCellBottom).
XFlatPCBIBG = ImmersedBoundaryGrid{<:Any, <:Flat, <:Any, <:Any, <:Any, <:PartialCellBottom}
YFlatPCBIBG = ImmersedBoundaryGrid{<:Any, <:Any, <:Flat, <:Any, <:Any, <:PartialCellBottom}

@inline Δzᶠᶜᶜ(i, j, k, ibg::XFlatPCBIBG) = Δzᶜᶜᶜ(i, j, k, ibg)
@inline Δzᶠᶜᶠ(i, j, k, ibg::XFlatPCBIBG) = Δzᶜᶜᶠ(i, j, k, ibg)
@inline Δzᶜᶠᶜ(i, j, k, ibg::YFlatPCBIBG) = Δzᶜᶜᶜ(i, j, k, ibg)

@inline Δzᶜᶠᶠ(i, j, k, ibg::YFlatPCBIBG) = Δzᶜᶜᶠ(i, j, k, ibg)
@inline Δzᶠᶠᶜ(i, j, k, ibg::XFlatPCBIBG) = Δzᶜᶠᶜ(i, j, k, ibg)
@inline Δzᶠᶠᶜ(i, j, k, ibg::YFlatPCBIBG) = Δzᶠᶜᶜ(i, j, k, ibg)

@inline z_bottom(i, j, ibg::PCBIBG) = @inbounds ibg.immersed_boundary.bottom_height[i, j, 1]

16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions test/test_immersed_boundary_grid.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@

grid = RectilinearGrid(; size=(2, 2, 2), extent = (1, 1, 1))

@testset "Testing Immersed Boundaries" begin

@info "Testing the immersed boundary construction..."

bottom(x, y) = -1 + 0.5 * exp(-x^2 - y^2)
ibg = ImmersedBoundaryGrid(grid, GridFittedBottom(bottom))

# Unit test (bottom is at the right position)

@info "Testing stably stratified initial conditions..."


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