A collection of interpolation tools for packages in the CliMA software ecosystem.
One of the tests consists in checking that the code is uniformly formatted. We use JuliaFormatter.jl to achieve consistent formatting. Here's how to use it:
You can either install in your base environment with
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("JuliaFormatter")'
or use it from within the TestEnv
(or base) environments (see previous section).
Then, you can format the package running:
using JuliaFormatter; format(".")
or just with format(".")
if the package is already imported.
The rules for formatting are defined in the .JuliaFormatter.toml
If you are used to formatting from the command line instead of the REPL, you can
install JuliaFormatter
in your base environment and call
julia -e 'using JuliaFormatter; format(".")'
You could also define a shell alias
alias julia_format_here="julia -e 'using JuliaFormatter; format(\".\")'"
:note: Please, open an issue if you find workflow problems/friction with this system.