- including the
file in your template
(this also works with tabbed forms as described above) -
Submit action response should return a Json response formatted like
return new JsonResponse( ['error' => FormUtils::formErrorsArray($form)] );
The FormUtils class loops the form and all of his children to map the errors.
To map the errors client side all you have to do is: //Success handler of ajax call success: function(data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty('error')) { form.mapErrors(data.error); } else { //Do what you would normally do on success } },
- Include
- trigger this on a form like: $([form-selector]).triggerDynamicFormElements();
This creates a modal triggered by this element filled with the html of the data_url (default href attr of element)
on posting the form errors get mapped or modal gets hidden (and destroyed) on success
$('.schedule-job-btn').modalForm({ title: 'Schedule job' });
- possible options are
- title: the modal title
- data_url: the url for getting the form html (default the trigger href attribute)
- request_data: extra data you want to send along with the request on triggering the modalform, should be a callback function that returns valid request data (p.e. JSON)
- submit_selector: the selector that triggers the form submission (default btn with type submit inside the returned html )
- modal_id: id used for rendered modal
- error_msg: the general error message displayed at the top of your form. (default: There are some errors, please correct them below.)
- confirmationMessage: message that needs to be confirmed before submit
- possible options are
following events are provided :
- modalform.post_error
- modalform.post_success
- modalform.after_modal_hide
- modalform.modal_html_success
- modalform.before_modal_show
- modalform.after_modal_show
bind to a modalform event like
$([trigger selector]).modalForm({ title: 'Formgoodness is awesome!!!' }).bind('modalform.post_success', function(){ console.log('ow yeah !!!'); });