This project was developed using Gatsby, a static site generator that uses React.
The recommended way to demo this prototype is running it as a Progressive Web App. To do this:
- Access the staging site at
(Google Chrome works best) - Click the
button that appears on the right edge of the address bar near the bookmark star icon - Click the
button in the resulting dialog. At this point the prototype will be installed in your Chrome Apps folder and will launch a new browser that is now accessible offline. If you are on an iPad, you should now have an icon on your home screen for offline viewing.
Alternatively, there is a folder called public
that contains all of the files from the built site, but it will need to be run on a web server.
Using Gatsby CLI
If you haven't done so already, install gatsby CLI by running the following command:
sudo npm install -g gatsby-cli
Finally, clone this project and run
cd acs-pathways/ npm install gatsby develop
Site is now running at http://localhost:8000
Project structure
├── node_modules
├── src
├── .gitignore
├── .prettierrc
├── gatsby-browser.js
├── gatsby-config.js
├── gatsby-node.js
├── gatsby-ssr.js
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json