How to run this project locally
- install yarn package manager
- install postcss-cli globally via
yarn global add postcss-cli
- clone this repo with
git clone
- navigate to the cloned repo:
cd idnyc
- install necessary dependencies with
yarn install
- add .env file to root directory containing necessary environment variables for finderapp templated apps, and in addition:
- set/export NODE_ENV envrionment varible to desired build environment (dev, stg, prd)
- set/export SOCRATA_APP_TOKEN envrionment variable
- set/export OPEN_DATA_STG/OPEN_DATA_PRD environment variable(s)
- start the build with
yarn build
- ensure that all Jest tests passed - if they didn't, the previous command will fail
- start up web server (if you don't already have one running) and navigate to dist folder to view the app in the browser