An opinionated React-Static plugin that enables CSS Modules with SCSS syntax and PostCSS processing.
yarn add react-static-plugin-scss-modules
npm install react-static-plugin-scss-modules
Then add to plugins
// static.config.js
export default {
// <…>
plugins: [
// <…>
Note: if you already have other styling-related plugins included, make sure to remove them to prevent potentially conflicting behavior. This plugin takes care of all your styling needs.
No configuration is currently available. If you want to modify this plugin’s behavior, describe your scenario in an issue and I’ll add it in.
// Button.scss
.root {
color: red;
&:hover {
color: blue;
// Button.js
import React from 'react';
import styles from './Button.scss';
const Button = () => (
<button className={styles.root}>Click here</button>
- Autoprefixer – adds vendor prefixes. But make sure to define target browsers in a browserslist
- Flexbugs Fixes – tries to fix flexbugs