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CiaranOMara committed Dec 9, 2019
2 parents f1ff3d1 + ad3a8a3 commit 242392d
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Showing 9 changed files with 188 additions and 158 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
name = "Bedgraph"
uuid = "0bcc2ff6-69eb-520d-bede-0374fc5bd2fd"
authors = ["Ciarán O'Mara <[email protected]>"]
version = "1.1.1"

Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
version = "1.2.0"

julia = "0.7, 1"

Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"

test = ["Test"]
17 changes: 7 additions & 10 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,20 +47,17 @@ records = read(file, Vector{Bedgraph.Record})
using Bedgraph

records = Vector{Record}()
open(file, "r") do io
records = Bedgraph.readRecords(io)
records = open(file, "r") do io
return read(io, Vector{Bedgraph.Record})

Alternatively you may want to read and process records individually.
open(file, "r") do io
while !eof(io)
record = readRecord(io)
if record != nothing
# Process record.
while !eof(seek(io, Bedgraph.Record))
record = read(io, Bedgraph.Record) #Note: no protection.
# Process record.
Expand All @@ -76,7 +73,7 @@ const firsts = [49302000, 49302300, 49302600, 49302900, 49303200, 49303500, 4930
const lasts = [49302300, 49302600, 49302900, 49303200, 49303500, 49303800, 49304100, 49304400, 49304700]
const values = [-1.0, -0.75, -0.50, -0.25, 0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00]

records = convert(Vector{Bedgraph.Record}, chroms, firsts, lasts, values)
records = Bedgraph.Record.(chroms, firsts, lasts, values)


Expand All @@ -93,7 +90,7 @@ records = [Record("chr19", 49302000, 49302300, -1.0), Record("chr19", 49302300,
header = Bedgraph.generateBasicHeader("chr19", records[1].first, records[end].last, bump_forward=false)

open(output_file, "w") do io
write(io, header, records))
write(io, header, records)

Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Bedgraph.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,4 +8,8 @@ include("header.jl")

import Base.convert
@deprecate convert(::Type{Vector{Record}}, chroms::AbstractVector{<:AbstractString}, firsts::AbstractVector{Int}, lasts::AbstractVector{Int}, values::AbstractVector{<:Real}) Record.(chroms, firsts, lasts, values)

end # module
32 changes: 22 additions & 10 deletions src/header.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
"A container for the bedGraph header."
mutable struct BedgraphHeader{T} #TODO: determine what and how this will be.
BedgraphHeader{T}() where T = BedgraphHeader{T}(T())
BedgraphHeader() = BedgraphHeader{Vector{String}}()

function Base.convert(::Type{String}, header::BedgraphHeader{Vector{String}}) :: String
"Push data into [`BedgraphHeader`](@ref) container."
function Base.push!(sink::BedgraphHeader, data)
push!(, data) #Note: converts data to's eltype.

"Convert [`BedgraphHeader`](@ref) to type `String`."
function Base.convert(::Type{String}, header::BedgraphHeader{<:AbstractVector{<:AbstractString}})

str = ""
for line in
Expand All @@ -12,7 +21,8 @@ function Base.convert(::Type{String}, header::BedgraphHeader{Vector{String}}) ::
return str

function generateBasicHeader(records::Vector{Record}; bump_forward=true) :: BedgraphHeader{Vector{String}} #Note: we assume that records are sorted by chrom and left position.
"Generate a basic bedGraph header given a vector of [`Record`](@ref)s."
function generateBasicHeader(records::AbstractVector{Record}; bump_forward=true) #Note: we assume that records are sorted by chrom and left position.

chrom = records[1].chrom

Expand All @@ -27,26 +37,28 @@ function generateBasicHeader(records::Vector{Record}; bump_forward=true) :: Bedg
return BedgraphHeader(["browser position $chrom:$pos_start-$pos_end", "track type=bedGraph"])

generateBasicHeader(chrom::String, pos_start::Int, pos_end::Int; bump_forward=true) = generateBasicHeader([Record(chrom, pos_start, pos_end, 0)], bump_forward=bump_forward)
generateBasicHeader(chrom::AbstractString, pos_start::Int, pos_end::Int; bump_forward=true) = generateBasicHeader([Record(chrom, pos_start, pos_end, 0)], bump_forward=bump_forward)

function _readHeader(io) :: Vector{String}
"Seek and then read bedGraph header into sink."
function _readHeader(io::IO, sink)
position(io) == 0 || seekstart(io)

header = String[]
line = readline(io)

while !eof(io) && !isLikeRecord(line) # TODO: seek more rebust check.
push!(header, line)
push!(sink, line)
line = readline(io)

return header
return sink

function, ::Type{BedgraphHeader{Vector{String}}}) :: BedgraphHeader{Vector{String} }
return BedgraphHeader(_readHeader(io))
"Read bedGraph header into sink."
function, sink::Type{<:BedgraphHeader})
return _readHeader(io, sink())

function Base.write(io::IO, header::BedgraphHeader{Vector{String}})
"Write bedGraph header to `IO` as `String`."
function Base.write(io::IO, header::BedgraphHeader)
return Base.write(io, convert(String, header))
39 changes: 11 additions & 28 deletions src/helpers.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
function _bump(records::Vector{Record}, b::Int) :: Vector{Record}
function _bump(records::AbstractVector{Record}, b::Int)

new_records = Vector{Record}(undef, length(records))

Expand All @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ function _bump(records::Vector{Record}, b::Int) :: Vector{Record}
return new_records

_bumpForward(records::Vector{Record}) = _bump(records, 1)
_bumpBack(records::Vector{Record}) = _bump(records, -1)
_bumpForward(records::AbstractVector{Record}) = _bump(records, 1)
_bumpBack(records::AbstractVector{Record}) = _bump(records, -1)

function _range(record::Record; right_open=true) :: UnitRange{Int}
function _range(record::Record; right_open=true)

pos_start = right_open ? record.first : record.first + 1
pos_end = right_open ? record.last - 1 : record.last
Expand All @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ function _range(record::Record; right_open=true) :: UnitRange{Int}

function _range(records::Vector{Record}; right_open=true) :: UnitRange{Int}
function _range(records::AbstractVector{Record}; right_open=true)

pos_start = _range(records[1], right_open=right_open)[1]
pos_end = _range(records[end], right_open=right_open)[end]
Expand All @@ -32,24 +32,7 @@ function _range(records::Vector{Record}; right_open=true) :: UnitRange{Int}

function Base.convert(::Type{Vector{Record}}, chroms::Vector{String}, firsts::Vector{Int}, lasts::Vector{Int}, values::Vector{T}) where {T<:Real}

len_chroms = length(chroms)

# Check that arrays are of equal length.
len_chroms == length(firsts) && length(lasts) == length(values) && len_chroms == length(values) || error("Vectors are of unequal lengths: chroms=$(length(chroms)), firsts=$(length(firsts)), lasts=$(length(lasts)), values=$(length(values))")

records = Vector{Record}(undef, len_chroms)

for (i, chrom, first, last, value) in zip(1:len_chroms, chroms, firsts, lasts, values)
records[i] = Record(chrom, first, last, value)

return records

function compress(chroms::Vector{String}, n::Vector{Int}, values::Vector{<:Real}; right_open = true, bump_back=true) :: Vector{Record}
function compress(chroms::AbstractVector{<:AbstractString}, n::AbstractVector{Int}, values::AbstractVector{<:Real}; right_open = true, bump_back=true)

ranges = Vector{UnitRange{Int}}()
compressed_values = Vector{Float64}()
Expand All @@ -58,7 +41,7 @@ function compress(chroms::Vector{String}, n::Vector{Int}, values::Vector{<:Real}
range_start = 1
push!(compressed_values, values[1])

for (index, value ) in enumerate(values)
for (index, value) in enumerate(values)
if value != compressed_values[end]
push!(ranges, n[range_start] : n[index - 1] )
push!(compressed_values, value)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,10 +78,10 @@ function compress(chroms::Vector{String}, n::Vector{Int}, values::Vector{<:Real}


compress(chrom::String, n::Vector{Int}, values::Vector{T}; right_open = true, bump_back=true) where {T<:Real} = compress(fill(chrom, length(n)), n, values, right_open = right_open, bump_back = bump_back)
compress(chrom::AbstractString, n::AbstractVector{Int}, values::AbstractVector{<:Real}; right_open = true, bump_back=true) = compress(fill(chrom, length(n)), n, values, right_open = right_open, bump_back = bump_back)

function expand(records::Vector{Record}; right_open=true, bump_forward=true)
function expand(records::AbstractVector{Record}; right_open=true, bump_forward=true)

#TODO: ensure records are sorted with no overlap.

Expand All @@ -119,5 +102,5 @@ function expand(records::Vector{Record}; right_open=true, bump_forward=true)
return collect(total_range), values, chroms

expand(chrom::String, firsts::Vector{Int}, lasts::Vector{Int}, values::Vector{T}; right_open=true, bump_forward=true) where {T<:Real} = expand( fill(chrom, length(firsts)), firsts, lasts, values, right_open=right_open, bump_forward=bump_forward)
expand(chroms::Vector{String}, firsts::Vector{Int}, lasts::Vector{Int}, values::Vector{T}; right_open=true, bump_forward=true) where {T<:Real} = expand( convert(Vector{Record}, chroms, firsts, lasts, values), right_open=right_open, bump_forward=bump_forward)
expand(chrom::AbstractString, firsts::AbstractVector{Int}, lasts::AbstractVector{Int}, values::AbstractVector{<:Real}; right_open=true, bump_forward=true) = expand(fill(chrom, length(firsts)), firsts, lasts, values, right_open=right_open, bump_forward=bump_forward)
expand(chroms::AbstractVector{<:AbstractString}, firsts::AbstractVector{Int}, lasts::AbstractVector{Int}, values::Vector{<:Real}; right_open=true, bump_forward=true) = expand(Record.(chroms, firsts, lasts, values), right_open=right_open, bump_forward=bump_forward)
69 changes: 40 additions & 29 deletions src/reader.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,36 +1,43 @@
# Check if the record data is in the four column BED format.
function isLikeRecord(line::String) :: Bool
return occursin(r"^\s*\S*(?=[A-Za-z0-9])\S*\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S*\d)\s*$", line) # Note: is like a record.
"Check whether string is in the four column BED format."
function isLikeRecord(line::AbstractString)
return occursin(r"^\s*\S*(?=[A-Za-z0-9])\S*\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S*\d)\s*$", line) # Note: is like a record.
isLikeRecord(io::IO) = isLikeRecord(String(take!(io)))

function isBrowser(line::String) :: Bool
return occursin(r"^browser", lowercase(line))
"Check whether string has broswer information."
function isBrowser(line::AbstractString)
return occursin(r"^browser", lowercase(line))

function isComment(line::String) :: Bool
"Check whether string is a comment."
function isComment(line::AbstractString)
return occursin(r"^\s*(?:#|$)", line)

function seekNextRecord(io::IO) :: Nothing
function seekNextRecord(io::IO)

pos = position(io)
initial = pos == 0 ? -1 : pos # Note: Allows for the fist line of headerless bedGraph file to be read.
line = ""

while !eof(io) && (!isLikeRecord(line) || pos == initial)
while !eof(io)
pos = position(io)
line = readline(io)

seek(io, pos)
if isLikeRecord(line)


return nothing
return seek(io, pos)

"Seek position of next [`Record`](@ref)."
function, ::Type{Record})
return seekNextRecord(io)

# Note: all options are placed in a single line separated by spaces.
function readParameters(io::IO) :: String
function readParameters(io::IO)

pos = position(io)
Expand All @@ -47,32 +54,36 @@ end

function readRecord(io::IO) :: Union{Nothing, Record}

line = readline(io)
line = IOBuffer(readline(io))

if isLikeRecord(line)
return Record(line)
return read(line, Record)

return nothing

function readRecords(io::IO) :: Vector{Record}
"Read string into type's constructor."
function, obj::Type{Record})
line = readline(io)
return obj(line)

records = Vector{Record}()
function readRecords(io::IO, sink)

while !eof(io)
record = readRecord(io)
if record != nothing
push!(records, record)
while !eof(seek(io, Record))
record = read(io, Record)
push!(sink, record) #Note: converts Record to sink's eltype.

return records
return sink


function, ::Type{Vector{Record}}) :: Vector{Record}
return readRecords(io)
readRecords(io::IO, sink::Type) = readRecords(io::IO, sink())
readRecords(io::IO) = readRecords(io::IO, Vector{Record})

function, ::Type{T}) where {T<:AbstractVector{Record}}
return readRecords(io, T)

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