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A lightweight single cell visualisation tool

Running scviewer

This package provides the functions to create h5 files and run an scviewer shiny app, see scviewer-app for information on configuring the app.

Create an h5 file

scviewer expects all datasets to be saved into a properly-formatted h5 file with keys for the following:

  • metadata/data is a data.frame that contains ... metadata ... and cluster identities
  • metadata/factor_levels is a group that contains the factor levels for each factor in the metadata data.frame
  • features is a group that contains three elements:
    • values is a group that contains the values of features that are plotted (rows of a Seurat expression matrix)
    • names is a vector of feature names (rownames of a Seurat matrix)
    • cell_ids is a vector of barcodes (colnames of a Seurat matrix)
  • reductions is a group of data.frame objects with coordinates for each cell in 2D and 3D space
  • cell_filter_parameters is a list of metadata colums on which a filter should be permitted
  • cluster_identity_sets is a list of metadata variables and default identifiers that can be used to display cell clusters with different resolutions/methods etc

Convert Seurat to scviewer

The following examples can be used to create a new scviewer-compatible h5 file from a Seurat object. Some assumptions are that:

  • features in scviewer are the normalised RNA and numeric meta data.
  • seurat@reductions must contain a pca entry and describe at least 3 components. Both '2D' and '3D' PCA coordinates are taken from the pca slot.

Once this repository has been cloned, the scviewer package can be loaded without installation:

devtools::load_all('scviewer', export_all=FALSE)

or with installation by remotes or renv (don't install it twice!):


To use the package to create files only, any shiny-related missing library warnings can be ignored.

Load the seurat object, here I use readRDS but any equivalent method to get an object should be fine. I also define a path into which the h5 files should be written. Any method to define these variable would work.

seurat <- Sys.getenv('INPUT_SEURAT_RDS') %>% readRDS()
save_path <- Sys.getenv('OUTPUT_PATH') %T>% dir.create(recursive=TRUE, showWarnings=FALSE)

There is a tl;dr in the Bundling the whole process section

Required reductions

To make the 2- and 3-dimension tSNE and UMAP panels, the reductions must be available in the reductions slot of the input Seurat object. Assuming there is a PCA Reduction in the object, the following will remove any other Reductions than pca and calculate tSNE and UMAP Reductions, where n_dimensions is specified.

seurat %<>% add_all_projections(n_dimensions=30)

Formatting data from Seurat object and writing the h5

In the following, the data from the Seurat object is parsed/formatted/wrangled and mangled into structures that are written into the h5 file.

Create the h5 file

An empty h5 formatted file is created here. If the file exists, it should be deleted beforehand otherwise this command will fail. If an existing h5 file is used as h5_file the groups written will be deleted from the file before being re-written by the following functions.

h5_file <- file.path(save_path, str_c(Project(seurat), '.scv'))


The following extracts all of the reductions in the Seurat object into a list of data.frame objects.

An assumption here is that for each reduction method (eg UMAP) there are two reduction objects: umap and umap_3d for example. If you don't have those embeddings, you can use RunUMAP to add them to your Seurat object or try using scviewer::add_all_reductions().

For the PCA reduction, the first three components are selected to make the pca_3d data from the pca reduction then the first two are selected to make the 2D version.

> reductions <- scviewer:::guess_reductions(seurat)
> lapply(reductions, head, n=3)
             cell_id         x           y
1 AAACCCACACCTCTGT-1  1.934101  3.70549631
2 AAACCCAGTAAGAACT-1 -6.095149  2.35777169
3 AAACGAAAGACTGAGC-1 11.628598 -0.09594123

             cell_id          x         y
1 AAACCCACACCTCTGT-1   7.718922 15.008067
2 AAACCCAGTAAGAACT-1   1.156841 -5.977375
3 AAACGAAAGACTGAGC-1 -24.378159 25.883702

             cell_id         x         y           z
1 AAACCCACACCTCTGT-1 -20.08531 -6.058905   0.7906353
2 AAACCCAGTAAGAACT-1  -1.68918  5.855843 -29.6971474
3 AAACGAAAGACTGAGC-1 -13.84951  4.869889  43.4326906

             cell_id         x         y
1 AAACCCACACCTCTGT-1 -1.345953  1.311305
2 AAACCCAGTAAGAACT-1  4.432537  2.619599
3 AAACGAAAGACTGAGC-1 -6.841505 -1.717847

             cell_id          x         y         z
1 AAACCCACACCTCTGT-1  1.1464871  1.226989 -1.242662
2 AAACCCAGTAAGAACT-1 -0.9679188 -2.856427 -1.369519
3 AAACGAAAGACTGAGC-1  5.5932413  2.799470  1.500001

             cell_id         x           y         z
1 AAACCCACACCTCTGT-1  1.934101  3.70549631 -6.434000
2 AAACCCAGTAAGAACT-1 -6.095149  2.35777169 -4.475791
3 AAACGAAAGACTGAGC-1 11.628598 -0.09594123  1.120231

write_reductions(h5_file=h5_file, seurat=seurat) # uses `guess_reductions` to collect coordinates
write_reductions(h5_file=h5_file, reductions=reductions) # user-defined coordinates list

Feature values

By default, the values of RNA features are extracted into a matrix and can be appended with any other numeric meta data. Any numeric data can be added here so that they can be plotted in the viewer as a feature. This matrix can be automatically created by write_features using guess_features_matrix when the features_matrix argument is omitted.

> features_matrix <- scviewer:::guess_features_matrix(seurat)
> features_matrix[1:10, c('COX3', 'RPS12', 'percent_mt', 'nFeature_RNA', 'nCount_RNA')]
                       COX3    RPS12 percent_mt nFeature_RNA nCount_RNA
AAACCCACACCTCTGT-1 4.811714 4.817744   4.610008         2225      13449
AAACCCAGTAAGAACT-1 4.468762 4.881488   3.730982         1831      10319
AAACGAAAGACTGAGC-1 4.244721 4.617961   3.177644         3048      17749
AAACGAAAGGCTCTAT-1 4.787714 4.974337   5.194957         2634      17055
AAACGAAGTGAGCCAA-1 4.458634 4.937042   3.297027         1456       6794
AAACGCTAGACCAGAC-1 4.841800 4.738045   6.368101         2452      12013
AAACGCTCAAGGCTTT-1 4.744864 4.509862   4.752348         2387      12457
AAACGCTCAGACGCTC-1 4.959195 4.717896   6.495177         2369      12440
AAACGCTCATCAGTGT-1 5.197880 4.598387   6.815642         1984       8950
AAACGCTGTAGATTAG-1 4.911110 4.777138   5.093644         2539      14096

(This is the slow bit). For every feature, a new element in the h5 file is written; each feature is a key in the feature/values location. Feature names are converted here to lower case, since the retrieval from the app is case-sensitive.

write_features(h5_file=h5_file, seurat=seurat) # uses `guess_features_matrix` to collect normalised RNA and numeric meta data
write_features(h5_file=h5_file, features_matrix=features_matrix) # user-defined feature values matrix

Module scores

If the Seurat object contains numeric variables in the slot, these will be added to the feature matrix. To tell scviewer what type of feature these are, the feature_types argument can be defined, if not everything is assumed to be a 'count'.

The following list adds all of the 'normal' features from the matrix into 'count' and selects the [email protected] variables (which will become features) that start with 'ModuleScore'.

feature_types <- list(count=rownames(seurat), module_score={colnames( %>% str_subset('^ModuleScore:')})
write_features(h5_file=h5_file, seurat=seurat, feature_types=feature_types) # uses `guess_features_matrix` to collect normalised RNA and numeric meta data

Dataset metadata

The metadata is extracted and subset. Any cell filters need to be defined here - these are one or more variables that can be used to determine if a cell should be displayed. The logic uses %in% to identify cells whose filter value is selected. In this example, I create a dataset_filter which reformats the orig.ident and adds in the number of cells in the filter. Cluster identities are defined here too, keeping any variable with the '_snn_res' string in this case. But these variables are completely flexible, any names and any content.

The filter and cluster variables are converted to factors and their levels ordered; the order of levels here is the order of the levels in the app.

The code below shows how the meta data table can be customised and provided. If omitted, any non-numeric variables of [email protected] will be exported and converted to factors by guess_metadata.

> %>%
+ %>%
+   rownames_to_column('cell_id') %>%
+   mutate(datasets_filter=str_replace(orig.ident, '_', ' ')) %>%
+   select(datasets_filter, cell_id, contains('_snn_res.')) %>%
+   group_by(datasets_filter) %>%
+   mutate(N=n()) %>%
+   ungroup() %>%
+   mutate(datasets_filter={sprintf(fmt='%s (n=%s)', datasets_filter, comma(N)) %>% factor() %>% fct_relevel({levels(.) %>% mixedsort()})}) %>%
+   mutate_at(vars(contains('_snn_res.')), function(x) x %>% fct_relevel({levels(.) %>% mixedsort()})) %>%
+   select(-N) -> metadata
> metadata[1:5, 1:7] %>%
  datasets_filter            cell_id RNA_snn_res.0.2 RNA_snn_res.0.4 RNA_snn_res.0.6 RNA_snn_res.0.8 RNA_snn_res.1
1     E85 (n=477) AAACCCAAGTTAACGA-1               0               2               1               1             1
2     E85 (n=477) AAAGGATAGTAGACCG-1               1               0               2               2             2
3     E85 (n=477) AAATGGATCGAACACT-1               0               1               0               0             0
4     E85 (n=477) AACAAAGTCCGACATA-1               0               1               0               0             0
5     E85 (n=477) AACAACCAGATCCTAC-1               0               2               1               1             1

Now the metadata is now written to the h5_file.

write_metadata(h5_file=h5_file, seurat=seurat) # uses `guess_metadata` to collect factor meta data
write_metadata(h5_file=h5_file, metadata=metadata) # user-defined metadata

Cell clusters

A list is created that determines which cluster sets to include in the drop down selector and which cluster identities should be shown by default. Here, I take all of the cluster sets in the meta data table and show all cluster identities by default. The final output of this chunk is a list of lists. Each index of the first-level list is named according to the meta data variable. The second-level list contains:

  • var the meta data variable
  • name a name for the cluster set to be shown in the drop down - here the clustering resolution is appended to 'Res. '
  • selected is a vector of cluster identities (which should be levels of the var) to show by default
> cluster_identity_sets <- scviewer:::guess_cluster_identity_sets(seurat)
> head(cluster_identity_sets, n=3)
[1] "RNA_snn_res.0.2"

[1] "Res. 0.2"

[1] "0" "1" "2" "3" "4"

[1] "RNA_snn_res.0.4"

[1] "Res. 0.4"

[1] "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6"

[1] "RNA_snn_res.0.6"

[1] "Res. 0.6"

[1] "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8"


The list of cell cluster information that was defined above is written to the h5 file as a list. The default behaviour (above) can be automatically applied by omitting the cluster_identity_sets argument.

write_cluster_identity_sets(h5_file=h5_file, seurat=seurat) # uses `guess_cluster_identity_sets` to collect cluster sets
write_cluster_identity_sets(h5_file=h5_file, cluster_identity_sets=cluster_identity_sets) # user-defined cluster definitions

Cell filters

The list of cell filters here is used to create the drop down UI elements and filter the cells. The list is named according to the label that should be displayed next to the UI element and the var element is the variable in the meta data that should be filtered. Filters are not required and can be omitted, if there are none.

In this example, I define filters only for the 'datasets_filter' variable and specify that one dataset should be selected by default. (is functionality even working?!)

cell_filter_parameters <- list(`Constituent datasets`=list(var='datasets_filter', selected=c('E85 (n=477)')))
write_cell_filter_parameters(h5_file=h5_file, cell_filter_parameters=cell_filter_parameters)

Bundling the whole process

The following wrapper function could work. No cell filters are applied!

It will :

  • use readRDS to read seurat when seurat is a character
  • recalculate the tSNE and UMAP projections in 2D and 3D (if recalculate_reductions=TRUE)
  • runwrite_reductions
  • runwrite_feature_values
  • runwrite_metadata
  • runwrite_cluster_identity_sets

Once the h5 file is written, each component can be modified using the examples above.

seurat_to_scv(h5_file=h5_file, seurat=seurat, recalculate_reductions=TRUE, n_dimensions=40)

Configuration file

The yaml configuration file contains parameters for the session. The datasets section of the configuration file is used to populate the dataset selection dropdown. It is a two-level list: the first level denotes groups within the dropdown (eg. species) and the second denotes datasets (eg. samples). Each dataset must contain a file key which is the path to a properly -formatted h5 file (as described above).

The top-level initial_feature key can be used to define an initial feature that is displayed for all datasets in the instance. This can be overridden by specifying the initial_feature at any level of the configuration.

Ignore the tracker.


a lightweight single cell visualisation tool




