Little CLI Tool to help convert IEEE754 compliant numbers.
Just download the current release and try it out!
IEEE Helper Tool
ieee-helper BinToHex <binNumber>
ieee-helper HexToBin <hexNumber>
ieee-helper DecToBin <precision> <decNumber>
ieee-helper BinToDec <binNumber>
ieee-helper DecToIEEE [(Single|s)|(Double|d)] <decNumber>
ieee-helper IEEEToDec <ieee754BinNumber>
ieee-helper -h | --help
ieee-helper -v | --version
-h --help Show this help screen
-v --version Show current Version
Command Descriptions:
BinToHex <binNumber> Convert a binary number to a hexadecimal number.
HexToBin <hexNumber> Convert a hexadecimal number to a binary number.
DecToBin <precision> <decNumber> Convert a decimal number to a binary number.
Precision is the number of bits after the point.
BinToDec <binNumber> Convert binary floating number to decimal number.
DecToIEEE [(Single|s)|(Double|d)] <decNumber> Convert a decimal number to a IEEE754 compliant number.
IEEEToDec <ieee754BinNumber> Input a IEEE754 binary number and get the decimal representation.
Argument Descriptions:
binaryNumber Binary number. Don't seperate by spaces. E.g. 0100101101
hexNumber Hexadecimal number. E.g. 0x42DF
precision How many digits after the point should be calculated? E.g. 3
decNumber Floating point decimal number. E.g. 3.14
ieee754BinNumber IEEE754 compliant bin number. E.g. 01000000010010001111010111000010
ieee-helper HexToBin 0x43D.54
ieee-helper DecToBin 23 3.1416
ieee-helper DecToIEEE Single 42.743
ieee-helper IEEEToDec 0x42b844dd
ieee-helper BinToHex 110110.1011001