JZBoy is the most simple way to work with CouchDB from Java.
Rather than provide a full-fledged persistence layer, it lets you work with CouchDB directly via JSON (using Jackson). This makes it fast and simple to use, adding as few lines as possible to your code base.
JZBoy is perfect for when you don't need to map Java objects to JSON / CouchDB documents. Some use cases include:
- Caching the results of web APIs that already speak JSON (e.g. Twitter)
- Storing opaque attachments
JZBoy is built on a minimal set of external libraries:
Create a Database
// database called "my-db" on
Database db = new Database("my-db");
// or database called "my-db" on http://mydomain.com:5984
Database db = new Database("mydomain.com", 5984, "my-db");
Ensure that the database exists on your CouchDB server:
Create a new document:
String uuid = db.getServer().nextUUID();
String json = "{\"field1\":\"value1\",\"field2\":2}"
// if the last parameter was, it would add the document in batch mode
Document res = db.createDocument(uuid, json, false);
The result encapsulates CouchDB's response:
// prints the uuid
// prints the revision assigned to the new document
// CouchDB returned a JSON with ok=true:
System.out.println("ok=" + res.getJson().get("ok").getBooleanValue());
Now retrieve the document we just saved, and update it:
Document doc = db.getDocument(uuid);
// the returned document object wraps the id, revision, and the JSON content
String newJson = "{\"field1\":1,\"field2\":\"value2\"}";
Here's how to query a view:
// create some query parameters
List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>() {{
add(new BasicNameValuePair("include_docs", "true"));
add(new BasicNameValuePair("startkey", "\"abcde\""));
List<Document> docs = db.queryView("my-design-doc-name", "my-view", params);
for (Document doc : docs) {
JZBoy uses ant and Ivy for dependency resolution. If you're unfamiliar with Ivy, follow instructions here or just download and drop ivy.jar into your ant lib directory. It will download dependencies from the standard Maven2 repository when you run ant.