This is a blatant ripoff fork of the [Stash Branch Parameter]
( Jenkins
plugin, adjusted for GitLab (ideally, eventually, one might generalize this
into a more generic plugin that works with various Git hosting platforms).
In the This build is parameterized section of your job, you will have a new type of parameter to add: "Stash Branch Parameter". After adding it, apart from entering a name (example: BRANCH_NAME), you have to choose the repository to select branch names from.
You can use this branch name later on in your job config, for example in the
"Source Code Management" section for Git -> Branches to build -> Branch
Specifier (blank for 'any') -> ${BRANCH_NAME}
After installing this plugin, you will find a new section Stash branch parameter plugin in your Jenkins configuration page.
Enter your Stash instance API URL (example:
) and a Stash user's with
appropriate permissions username and password. You will be immediately
notified if the authentication succeeded (no message) or failed (a red error
message will be shown).
###Refspec To be able to build at a tag, you have to change the refspec to:
+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* +refs/tags/*:refs/remotes/origin/tags/*