Publish a Google Transit-compatible GTFS feed from files hosted on Github. This makes it easy for your local transit agency to publish transit schedule and routing information using free tools and in a public manner. Hosting GTFS data on Github lets anyone make pull requests with corrections and improvements, and also view historic changes in schedule and other information.
Create a new Github repository to host your GTFS data, e.g. Then run this proxy service pointing to that repository. Finally, log into the Google Transit partner dashboard and set up automatic data acquisition pointed to the URL for this proxy service. Voila!
Requirements: Node.js 0.10 or newer.
Clone this repository and then
$ npm install
$ npm start
The following environment variables must be set:
the port number to listen onREPO
the github username/repo to pull data from, egjden/gtfs
From package root:
$ npm install
$ npm test
- jden [email protected]
ISC. (c) MMXIV Code for America. See