Docker image for the Minecraft server at the Chattanooga Public Library
We use a MinecraftEdu at the library which uses a specific version of the Minecraft client that is not the latest version.
The goal of this image is to setup a fully functional and easy to manage Minecraft server quickly.
Ensure docker is installed. Then, clone this repository. In the root of the project directory run: docker build -t minecraft-chattlibrary .
First, this image requires you to have a volume to store data. Create a data directory to store the Minecraft configuration and logs generated by the server.
Copy the following files in this repository to the data directory:
- banned-ips.json
- banned-players.json
- eula.txt (You must agree to Mojang's EULA before the server will run)
- ops.json
- whitelist.json
Within the data directory, you must also create a logs
directory. You will also need to create a world
directory which contains your Minecraft world. You can change this via the
file if you wish.
Ensure you have a Minecraft world in your world
directory, or Minecraft will generate one for you. You can use the Chattanooga Minecraft world if you'd like.
After this is done, run the following command: docker run -d -p 25565:25565 -i -v /wherever/your/minecraft/data/dir/is:/minecraft/data -t minecraft-chattlibrary /sbin/my_init
Now you should have a fully functional Minecraft server.
Please see the instructions for the Phusion baseimage to login to the container. You will have to modify the Dockerimage slightly to add your public keys.
This image is licensed under the MIT license. See
for details.