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#Rshell bash terminal emulator Rshell is a simple bash terminal emulator that carries out commands similar to a Unix bash terminal.

##Installation Installation is simple! Just run the following commands.

$ git clone
$ cd rshell
$ git checkout hw0
$ make
$ bin/rshell

*** When exiting rshell with the exit command, make will automatically delete the bin folder for you ***

##Bugs, behaviors, and limitations

  • $ false && false && ls -a || pwd : This command will only run ls -a when it should instead only run pwd. Same goes for other commands of this nature (i.e. false && false && ls ; pwd).

  • $ rshell : Launching a new rshell session within rshell WILL work (just use the rshell command), however it will report an error, but it works!

  • $ rshell && pwd : Launching a new rshell session AND executing a command will crash rshell. This goes for any linking when FIRST launching a new session AND THEN executing commands. If executing commands FIRST, AND THEN launching a new session at the end WILL work (i.e. ls && rshell) as long as rshell is the LAST command executed, but it will report an error due to the previous bug.

  • $ echo "Message && Message" : Will echo "Message " and then result in an error when program arrives at the &&. Bascically you cannot include connectors when echoing.

  • $ cat > FILENAME : This command will result in an error instead of creating a file.

  • $ # this is a comment : This command will crash rshell. Comments will only work if there is a command before it.

  • Arrows for command history not supported (same goes for special commands like Ctrl - c)

  • cd not supported.

  • If rshell crashes while in session, you can either re-run rshell by typing bin/rshell OR delete the bin directory with rf -rf bin and then using make to relaunch rshell. Alternatively, you can edit the makefile so it won't delete the bin directory upon successful exiting so every time you want to launch a new session OUTSIDE of rshell you run bin/rshell from the root directory.

##ls: Bugs, Behaviors and limitations

  • ls optional file directory of not a directory: will result in an error

  • Multiple files and directories are not listed gracefully for a large nummber of files/directories

  • -R: Command not supported. This goes for any mixture of flags that contain this flag.

  • The green color for executable files only works for a small amount of time. When make is ran, bin/ls is called on bin and all executable files are green. However succesive calls to bin/ls bin will result in a blue coloring, rather than green.

##Piping & I/O Redirection: Bugs, Behaviors and limitations

  • ls -a > file1 > file2 > file3 : will only output to first file and not to the third one like bash handles that case.

  • Does NOT support any linkage between piping and I/O redirection (i.e. cat < existingInputFile | tr A-Z a-z | tee newOutputFile1 | tr a-z A-Z > newOutputFile2)

Extra credit

  • cat <<< "this is a test": works, as well with any variation of that that does not invlolve piping. (i.e. grep this <<< "this is a test" and grep this <<< "this is a test" > outfile.txt)
  • g++ error.cpp 2> error.txt: works, as well as any variant of that with any file descriptor with > and >> (i.e. g++ helloWorld.cpp -o hello.out && hello.out 1> hello.txt. hello.txt will now contain the output of hello.out)

NOTE: While this may not be a perfect implementation of an actual shell/terminal, it is pretty chill. If you would like to contribute to this just fork it and fix my bugs LOLOLOLOLOL


Custom bash/terminal written in C++







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Contributors 3
