A social media application that can only be used by Akdeniz University students, in the style of Instagram, written using flutter and firebase and provider package
In this project, I aim to create social media platform, It can only be used by Akdeniz University students. Thus, people outside the university will not be able to use the application and there will be only posts within the university.
In this application, students will be able to post stories from their profiles and they will be able to follow each other and talk to each other. There will be a group messaging feature. It will be seen when the shared posts were shared. When students log in with their student mail, verification code will be required. Shares can be liked and commented on.
The people who will use the project will of course be those who student in the Akdeniz University. As for the benefits of the project: The impact and purpose of the project are to enable students on campus to communicate using this application.
In future studies, it can be group messaging for communities for students, or opening a topic about a certain topic and making comments about it there (like https://eksisozluk.com).
Application is still in development
Client: Flutter, Dart, Provider Package
Database: Firebase, Cloud Firestore, Cloud Storage
Tools: Android Studio
- Light/Dark mode toggle
- Splash Screen
- Cross Platform
- Direct Messaging System
- Group Messaging System
- Async Timeago Service
- Scalable User Feed
- Advanced Firebase Storage Operations
- Handling Dependency Injections
- Caching and Scaling User Data
- Linking Complex Firestore IDs
- Firebase Complex Subcollection Queries
- Email Sign In
- Local Notificiations for post actions
- Handling likes + Comments
- Chatroom acces for admin vs members
- Data persistance for each user
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at [email protected]
I have more knowledge of state management in flutter and especially the provider package.
I took care to write cleaner code, responsive design. Tried to use MVC architecture.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/CemTitor/AkdenizSocial
Go to the project directory
cd AkdenizSocial
Install dependencies
flutter pub get
Start the application on web (You can run it on the web but it was developed for mobile platform.)
flutter run
- animated_text_kit: ^4.1.1
- flutter_overboard: ^3.1.1
- google_fonts: ^2.2.0
- font_awesome_flutter: ^9.2.0
- curved_navigation_bar: ^1.0.2
- provider: ^6.0.2
- email_validator: ^2.0.1
- firebase_auth: ^3.3.6
- cloud_firestore: ^3.1.7
- image_picker: ^0.8.4+7
- firebase_storage: ^10.2.7
- cached_network_image: ^3.2.0
- timeago: ^3.2.2