Mortti is puma560 robot arm owned by AS-guild. In this repository you can find python scripts for controlling and simulating the robot arm.
Note: Always simulate before running the robot arm! Shutdown button's wire is shorter than the robot arm's reach 💀
- Install python
- jupyter notebook extensions etc
- install requirements.txt TODO
- Get wild with mortti
- Mortti's reach is not enough to press the shutdown button
- Roboticstoolbox uses swift library to render Mortti. There is small filepath parsing bug on windows.
- Mortti's joint j3 is not limitet to 0-180 degrees. Libraries usually assume this and have to be manually fixed. (fix file in C:\Users\Emil\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\Lib\site-packages\rtbdata\xacro\puma560_description\urdf)
<joint name="j3" type="revolute">
<parent link="link3"/>
<child link="link4"/>
<origin xyz="${l3_3} 0 ${l3_2}" rpy="0 0 ${M_PI/2}"/><!-- X-forward, Y-Up, Z-right -->
<axis xyz="0 0 1"/> <!-- This is descibed in child frame -->
<!--<limit effort="1000.0" lower="${-M_PI/2}" upper="${M_PI/2}" velocity="0"/>-->
<limit effort="1000.0" lower="${-M_PI}" upper="${M_PI}" velocity="0"/>
- Mortti's joint j1 is turned 90 degrees left (+ pi/2) compared to the default puma560 model. This has to be taken into account when using libraries that assume default puma560 model.
- Mortti is slow to reach the target position. This is related to used pid values and feedback being potentiometer based? -> Solution: Do not spam whole trajectory, filter out unnecessary points.
Fix: TODO add link to fix
More info about Mortti and communication protocol can be found from
Example move routes and scripts can be found from
TODO parse these automatically and simulate them