As of mid 2020, the project is no longer being developed/maintained.
- npm install
- npm start
- master: update only for deployment (merge from dev)
- dev: development branches, update continously
- feat/feature-name: a branch that creates/improves a new feature into dev
- design/area-name: a branch that creates/improves GUI/UX into dev
- fix/bug-name: a branch that fix a bug for dev
Pull request:
- At least two collaborators have to approve a pull request before it is merged in to dev-branch
- Always use "Squash and merge" as merge-options
GUI is developed with ReactJS using functional components and hooks. Redux is used for state management and TypeScript is used for the entire application.
Styling is done with styled-components.
Get list of all subjects. Every subject has a field 'favorite' that communicates that a subject has been favorited by the client
GET /subjects
- Client-Id: (Optional) To authenticate user
200 OK
"id": 1,
"name": "Learn about Barack Obama",
"code": "TDT4242",
"description": "Just Barack Obama",
"color": "3ea12c",
"published": "yes",
"favorite": false
GET /subjects/{subjectId}
- Client-Id: (Optional) To authenticate user
Success response:
200 OK
"id": 1,
"name": "Learn about Barack Obama",
"code": "TDT4242",
"description": "Just Barack Obama",
"color": "3ea12c",
"published": "yes",
"collections": []
PUT /subjects/{subjectId}
- Client-Id: (Required) To authenticate user
"favorite": true / false
204 No content
PUT /exercises/{exerciseId}
- Client-Id: (Required) To authenticate user
"answer_status": true
Success response:
204 No content
POST /exercises/{exerciseId}/reports
"message": "String",
"device": "String",
"email": "Optional String"
201 Created