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Welcome to the GALAXY package!  For documentation, go to:


This package assumes that you will use the gfortran compiler.  If you
prefer a different compiler, the gfortran commands in the four files
SRC/lib15/rebuild, SRC/utils/rebuild, SRC/RAJ/rebuild, and
SRC/progs/Makefile should be replaced by an equivalent.  Also mpi code
is compiled with mpif90.  To use a different compiler for this, you
will need to replace it in two files SRC/lib15_mpi/rebuild and

The plotting package PGPLOT, which is freely available, will be needed
to examine the results using analys.

A version of MPI will be needed if you wish to run in parallel.  The
default is OpenMPI, and the script 'rebuild' in the SRC/lib15_mpi
directory and the Makefile in the SRC/progs directory will have to be
edited if a different MPI is installed.

With these available, the package should be self-contained, and all the
executables should link with no missing externals.


The procedure to install the package is described on pp 12-13 of the
on-line documentation:

You should first create the libraries by running the "rebuild" scripts
in the various subdirectories of SRC before trying "make" in the
directory SRC/progs


The EXAMPLES sub-directory, with subdirectories c2d/ p2d/ p3d/ c3d/
p3a/ s3d/ sf2d/ sf3d/ scf/ dr3d/ bht/ heavies/ hybrid/ contains example
files to illustrate how many options in the code can be used.

Standard tests to reproduce unstable eigenmodes of disks are in p2d/
and sf2d/  Checks of the force determination are in subdirectories
ftest/ while those for force anisotropies can be found in the
subdirectory isotropy/


To make use of MPI, a small number of subroutines have mpi versions of
the same names in the directory SRC/lib15_mpi.  Running the script rebuild
in that directory will create a further object library file
lib/main15_mpi.a.  The make should also create executables dmp2pcs_mpi,
galaxy_mpi, pcs2dmp_mpi, and ptest_mpi

These programs will run on single processors, but offer the advantage
of parallel execution when multiple processors are available.  See
section 6.5 of the manual.


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