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3.6.9. Switch Activity

Ettiene Mare edited this page Mar 10, 2020 · 2 revisions

The Switch Activity will apply a set of conditions and go to the next activity according to the result.
The Switch Activity is similar to the Decision Activity.
The difference is that the Switch Activity has multiple paths where the Decision Activity has two paths.
The Switch Activity is configured in the process definition.


The Switch Activity is configured in the process definition.

   "name" : "my-process",
   "activities": [
            "name": "switch-act",
            "type": "switch-activity",
            "rules": [
                {"expression":"{{httpCall.status}} < 400", "next": "finish" },
                {"expression":"{{httpCall.status}} < 500", "next": "finish1" },
                {"expression":"{{httpCall.status}} < 600", "next": "finish2" },
                {"expression":"true", "next": "finish3" }


Parameter Description
name The name of the activity.
type The type of the activity, it should be adecision-activity.
rules The expressions and paths.


Parameter Description
expression The javascript expression that should evaluate to true or false. Use {{banking.depositAmount}} to get the value from the model. Make the last expression true to catch all the cases not covered.
next The next activity to execute if the expression is true.


  1. Setup

  2. Configure

  3. Design


    3.2. Core

    3.2.1. Workflow
    3.2.2. Analytics
    3.2.3. Messages

    3.3. Services

    3.3.1. Workflow
    3.3.2. Analytics
    3.3.3. Config
    3.3.4. Model
    3.3.5. Validator
    3.3.6. Http

    3.4. Validators

    3.4.1. Required
    3.4.2. Regex
    3.4.3. Range
    3.4.4. Custom

    3.5. Pipes

    3.5.1. Currency

    3.6. Activities

    3.6.1. Page
    3.6.2. Api
    3.6.3. Assign
    3.6.4. Decision
    3.6.5. Code
    3.6.6. IPC
    3.6.7. Finish
    3.6.8. Redirect
    3.6.9. Switch
    3.6.10. Custom

    3.7. Web Components

    3.7.1. React

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