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SwiftPM 5.3 Platforms @maximkrouk

Client declarations and live implementations for standard iOS managers

More info about client approach:

Source Description
Brandon Williams - Protocol Witnesses Talk on App Builders Conference 2019
Pointfree - Protocol Witnesses Pointfree collection
pointfree/isowords Examples of different clients can be found here

Table of contents

Description Interface Implementations
Caching CacheClient MemoryCacheClient
IDFA IDFAPermissionsClient IDFAPermissionsClientLive
Keychain KeychainClient KeychainClientLive
Notifications NotificationsPermissionsClient NotificationsPermissionsClientLive
HapticEngine HapticEngineClient HapticEngineClientLive
UserDefaults UserDefaultsClient UserDefaultsClientLive


  • Improve readme by adding examples and simplifying descriptions.
  • Add LocalAuthenticationClient [ Soon ]
  • Find out if it's better to use Any-based UserDefaults storage instead of DataRepresentable-based.
  • Add more tests
    • Caching
    • IDFA
    • Keychain
    • Notifications
    • HapticEngine
    • UserDefaults
    • DataRepresentable


CacheClient<Key, Value> is a generic client over hashable key and value, it provides interfaces for the following operations:

  • saveValue(_: Value, forKey: Key)
  • loadValue(of: Value.Type = Value.self, forKey: Key) -> Value
  • removeValue(forKey: Key)
  • removeAllValues()


MemoryCacheClient is build on top of NSCache. Under the hood it uses MemoryCache wrapper, improved version of John Sundells' Cache. You can use MemoryCache (which also provides a way to save itself to disk if your types are codable) directly to build your own CacheClient implementations.


IDFAPermissionClient is a client for ASIdentifierManager and ATTrackingManager, it provides interfaces for the following operations:

  • requestAuthorizationStatus() -> AnyPublisher<AuthorizationStatus, Never>
  • requestAuthorization() -> AnyPublisher<AuthorizationStatus, Never>
  • requestIDFA() -> AnyPublisher<UUID?, Never>

IDFAPermissionClient.AuthorizationStatus is a wrapper for ATTrackingManager.AuthorizationStatus type and ASIdentifierManager.isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled value it's values are:

  • notDetermined = "Not Determined" // ATTrackingManager.AuthorizationStatus.notDetermined
  • restricted = "Restricted" // ATTrackingManager.AuthorizationStatus.restricted
  • denied = "Denied" // ATTrackingManager.AuthorizationStatus.denied
  • authorized = "Authorized" // ATTrackingManager.AuthorizationStatus.authorized
  • unknown = "Unknown" // ATTrackingManager.AuthorizationStatus.unknown
  • unavailableWithTrackingEnabled = "Unavailable: Tracking Enabled" // iOS<14 macOS<11, tvOS<14 ASIdentifierManager.shared().isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled == true
  • unavailableWithTrackingDisabled = "Unavailable: Tracking Disabled" // iOS<14 macOS<11, tvOS<14 ASIdentifierManager.shared().isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled == false

It also has a computed property isPermissive which is true for .authorized and .unavailableWithTrackingEnabled


KeychainClient is a client for Security framework keychain access, it stores objects as data (Using DataRepresentable protocol) and provides interfaces for the following operations:

  • saveValue<Value: DataRepresentable>(_: Value, forKey: Key, policy: AccessPolicy)
  • loadValue<Value: DataRepresentable>(of: Value.Type = Value.self, forKey: Key) -> Value
  • removeValue(forKey: Key)

KeychainClient.Key can be initialized by rawValue: Stirng, StringLiteral or StringInterpolation. Also you can use .bundle(_:Key) or .bundle(_:Bundle, _:Key) to add bundleID prefix to your key.

KeychainClient.Operations.Save.AccessPolicy is a wrapper for kSec access constants and it's values are:

  • accessibleWhenUnlocked // kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked
  • accessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly // kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlockedThisDeviceOnly
  • accessibleAfterFirstUnlock // kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock
  • accessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly // kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlockThisDeviceOnly
  • accessibleWhenPasscodeSetThisDeviceOnly // kSecAttrAccessibleWhenPasscodeSetThisDeviceOnly
  • accessibleAlways // kSecAttrAccessibleAlways
  • accessibleAlwaysThisDeviceOnly // kSecAttrAccessibleAlwaysThisDeviceOnly


NotificationsPermissionsClient is a client for UNUserNotificationCenter, it provides interfaces for the following operations:

  • requestAuthorizationStatus() -> AnyPublisher<AuthorizationStatus, Never>
  • requestAuthorization(options: AuthorizationOptions) -> AnyPublisher<AuthorizationStatus, Never>
  • configureRemoteNotifications(_:) // Pass .register or .unregister to the function

NotificationsPermissionsClient.AuthorizationStatus is a wrapper for UNAuthorizationStatus type it's values are:

  • notDetermined

  • denied

  • authorized

  • provisional

  • ephemeral // iOS14+ only

It also has a computed property isPermissive which is true for authorized, ephimeral and provisional

NotificationsPermissionsClient.AuthorizationOptions is a wrapper for UNAuthorizationOptions type it's predefined values are:

  • badge
  • sound
  • alert
  • carPlay
  • criticalAlert
  • providesAppNotificationSettings
  • provisional
  • announcement // iOS only

You can also construct AuthorizationOptions object by providing UInt raw value.


HapticEngineClient is a factory-client for HapticFeedback clients. HapticFeedback is a client for UIFeedbackGenerator.


import HapticEngineClientLive

// If you need just one generator you can use HapticFeedback directly

// Otherwise if you need more flexible way to create Haptic feedbacks use HapticEngineClient .success).trigger()


UserDefaultsClient is a client for UserDefaults object, it stores objects as data (Using DataRepresentable protocol) and provides interfaces for the following operations:

  • saveValue<Value: DataRepresentable>(_: Value, forKey: Key)
  • loadValue<Value: DataRepresentable>(of: Value.Type = Value.self, forKey: Key) -> Value
  • removeValue(forKey: Key)

UserDefaultsClient.Key can be initialized by rawValue: Stirng, StringLiteral or StringInterpolation. Also you can use .bundle(_:Key) or .bundle(_:Bundle, _:Key) to add bundleID prefix to your key.


DataRepresentable module provides a protocol for objects data representation. It is used by UserDefaultsClient and KeychainClient to store objects as data.



You can add StandardClients to an Xcode project by adding it as a package dependency.

  1. From the File menu, select Swift Packages › Add Package Dependency…
  2. Enter "" into the package repository URL text field
  3. Choose products you need to link them to your project.


If you use SwiftPM for your project, you can add StandardClients to your package file.

  name: "swift-standard-clients",
  url: "", 
  .upToNextMinor(from: "0.1.0")

Do not forget about target dependencies:

  name: "SomeClientOrClientLive", 
  package: "swift-standard-clients"


This library is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.