This project uses Feathers, GraphQL, and Apollo.
Getting up and running is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Make sure you have NodeJS, npm, and Yarn installed, see package.json for the required versions.
Install your dependencies
cd path/to/learnmake-feathers-apollo-graphql; yarn
Start your app
yarn start
Calling /graphiql of your dev instance will show you the in-browser IDE for exploring GraphQL.
This project uses Feathers, an open source web framework for building modern real-time applications.
Feathers has a powerful command line interface. Please read thru Feathers docs.
Here are a few things it can do:
$ yarn global add @feathersjs/cli # Install Feathers CLI v3.x
$ feathers generate service # Generate a new Service
$ feathers generate hook # Generate a new Hook
$ feathers generate model # Generate a new Model
$ feathers help # Show all commands
Copyleft 2017-2018
Licensed under the MIT license.