MAKO IoT is a platform for building IoT applications based on .NET. It leverages the power of C# language and software best practices. It is based on .NET nanoFramework
The goal of MAKO IoT is to provide:
- across-the-board development experience with highest software industry standard best practices
- building blocks for common tasks / functionalities
- templates and boilerplate which make doing right things easy and doing wrong things hard
- tools & practices
- Install .NET nanoFramework
Create two nanoFramework projects. For example: MyProject.Device (Class Library) and MyProject.Device.App (nanoFramework Application).
Implement your logic here. You will be able to unit test this project (without hardware!). Place everything your software needs to do here, abstracting hardware-specific operations with interfaces. For example, if you want to blink a LED - create IBlinker interface here with void Blink(bool isOn); method.
This is the entry point to your software. Use DeviceBuilder to link all components together (MAKO IoT and your code) in the Main() method of Program class. Also, implement your hardware-specific logic here. For example, concrete blinker class for the interface above: LedBlinker : IBlinker. Link the interface with the class in ConfigureDI section of DeviceBuilder.
Create nanoFramework test project and implement unit tests for your logic from MyProject.Device (Class Library).
Connect your device, Set Startup Project to MyProject.Device.App (nanoFramework Application) and run it.
Take a look at Samples.
- Interface - Interfaces for most of MAKO IoT components. Start building your app here :)
- Device - This brings all your MAKO IoT components together, configures your solution and runs your app.
- Configuration - Provides configuration capabilities to your solution. Along with file storage component reads & writes settings into devices's flash memory.
With those componentes you can read & write configuration through REST API. This is particularly useful when setting up a device i.e. entering WiFi credentials.
- Configuration Manager - Controls device's modes: normal operation or configuration mode. When device enters configuration mode, WiFi goes into Access Point mode and configuration API is served.
- Configuration API - The REST API for configuring your device's settings.
- Configration Metadata - Metadata provide a way to publish extra details about your settings, such as labels, data types etc. through the API. Decorate your configuration classes with attributes, build and run Metadata Generator.
- Metadata Generator - This tool generates metadata from config attributes. Attributes are not fully supported in nanoFramework, so this can't be done on device.
- Configuration App - Configuration API client with UI (Blazor WebAssembly app).
- Configuration API Model - Model for the configuration & metadata objects.
- WiFi - Provides basic WiFi network operations.
- WiFi AP - Handles WiFi in Access Point mode.
- API/Web Server - Simple on-device web server.
- Message Bus - Message bus with strongly-typed contracts and automatic (type & convention based) routing.
- MQTT - MQTT transport for the Message Bus.
- AzureIoT - AzureIoT transport for the Message Bus.
- Interfaces - .NET Core interfaces for Message Bus
- Message Bus - .NET Core implementation of Message Bus
- MQTT - MQTT transport for Message Bus
- Data Providers - If you need to periodically read a sensor or submit data of an event, this is where you start :)
- ESP32 DeepSleep Data Provider - If you need to periodically read a sensor or submit data of an event and go to sleep, this is where you start :)
- Mediator - Mediator pattern implementation. An easy-to-use publisher-subscriber bus.
- NVS File Storage - Access built-in flash like a disk.
- Logging - Do your logging the .NET way on nanoFramework device!
- Logs storage - Stores logs on internal storage and sends it to server.
- Scheduler - Simple task scheduler - runs your code in defined periods of time.
- Invoker - Polly-like retry mechanism for efficient transient faults handling.
- LED - Blinks a LED in a multiple ways ("soft" PWM blinks, RBG color transitions etc.)
- String - Useful String operations.
- Time Zones - The way to get local time on your device instead just UTC :)
- iCalendar - Parses calendar events.
- Messaging - Two-way communication across device and .NET application through Message Bus and MQTT. Also demonstrates how to share code between nanoFramework and "big" .NET.
- Configuration API - Shows how to configure your settings from external.
- Log Storage - Example usage of logging to local storage and sending out the logs to Elasticsearch server.
- Mediator - Example of Mediator usage.
- Waste Bins Calendar - Project of a device, which indicates bins for collection on a given day. It demonstrates how to compose multiple MAKO IoT building blocks into a useful product :)