The website is made for DJCSI's Git For Geeks Second Commit workshop to demonstrate Github Workflow.
Clone down this repository. You will need node
and npm
installed globally on your machine.
$ git clone
$ cd Git-For-Geeks2
$ npm install
To View on browser App:
Run :
$ npm start
open localhost:3000
on browser.
- Checkout User.js in
direcotry. - Start editing the User.js file and append your details similar to others details at the
object (make sure your details object key is your github username) - Example object(fill in your details !)
"Priyankaa2503": {
name: "Priyanka Ramachandran",
branch: "IT",
"Exploring web and expanding my knowledge by learning innovative concepts, skills and technologies.",
links: {
github: "",
instagram: "",
linkedin: "",
portfolio: "",
- Once done, commit your changes by clicking
commint changes
buttong at bottom - You are ready with your first PR 🔥
Make sure your checkout next section for detailed workflow !!
We welcome contributions to Git For Geeks2!
Please see CONTRIBUTING.MD for more information and guidelines for contributing to Git For Geeks2.
Thanks a lot for spending your time and contributing 🚀 .