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NYU DevOps Project: Wishlists Service

License Python Build Status Build Status codecov

Wishlist Service - Represents the wishlists created by Customers at an eCommerce Website


This project contains the code for Wishlist Service. The service consists of Wishlist Resource and WishlistItem Resource (subordinate). The /service folder contains a file for Wishlist and WishlistItems models and a file for the service. The /tests folder contains the test cases for testing the model and the service separately.

Accessing the Wishlists service on Cloud

The service is currently hosted on a Kubernetes Cluster on IBM Cloud.



Running the service

Given that you have cloned the repository. Use the below command in the repo folder:

$ code .

opens the repo in VSCode, where you need to select the option to Reopen in Containers which brings up the wishlist:app and postgres images.

The project uses honcho which gets it's commands from the Procfile. To start the service simply use:

$ honcho start

You should be able to reach the service at: http://localhost:8080. The port that is used is controlled by an environment variable defined in the .flaskenv file which Flask uses to load it's configuration from the environment by default. Going to the above URL localhost:8080, you will see a page where you will be able to perform various operation on wishlists and its items.

Manual Setup

  1. Clone this git repository.
  2. Open this project in the docker container.
  3. Initialize the database by (We recommend this to avoid db error)
    1. Run flask db init to initialize the migration folder.
    2. Run flask db migrate to migrate the models to db schema.
    3. Run flask db upgrade to apply the schema to database.
  4. Run the app by flask run
  5. It's will be host on http://localhost:8080


To run or test our service. run command as follow in command line


To run the BDD tests, after running honcho start, run the following command in a separate shell



The project contains the following:

.gitignore          - this will ignore vagrant and other metadata files
.flaskenv           - Environment variables to configure Flask
.gitattributes      - File to gix Windows CRLF issues
.devcontainers/     - Folder with support for VSCode Remote Containers
dot-env-example     - copy to .env to use environment variables
requirements.txt    - list if Python libraries required by your code           - configuration parameters

features/                     - feature python package
├──            - environment file for BDD tests
├── wishlists.feature         - Behave feature file
└── steps                     - Behave Step packages
    ├──          - Behave Step Definitions
    └──    - Behave Step Definition for adding Data

service/                     - service python package
├──              - package initializer
├──                - module with business models
├──                - module with service routes
├──                - configuration parameters
└── common                   - common code package
    ├──    - HTTP error handling code
    ├──      - logging setup code
    ├──      - flask cli command extension
    └──            - HTTP status constants

tests/                       - test cases package
├──              - package initializer
├──             - test factory to make testing objects
├──           - test suite for models
├──     - test suite for cli commands
└──           - test suite for service routes

Available REST API's

Route Operation Description
/healthcheck Service Healthcheck
/ root index Root URL returns service name
GET /wishlists/<wishlist_id> READ Reads a single wishlist with given ID
GET /wishlists/<wishlist_id>/items/<item_id> READ Read an item from a wishlist
GET /wishlists/<wishlist_id>/items LIST List items in a wishlist
GET /wishlists LIST Show all wishlists
POST /wishlists CREATE Create new Wishlist
PUT /wishlists/<wishlist_id> UPDATE Update wishlist
PUT /wishlists/<wishlist_id>/items/<item_id> UPDATE Update item from Wishlist
POST /wishlists/<wishlist_id>/items CREATE Add item to wishlist
DELETE /wishlists/<wishlist_id> DELETE Delete given Wishlist
DELETE /wishlists/<wishlist_id>/items/<item_id> DELETE Delete item from Wishlist
PUT /wishlists/<wishlist_id>/clear ACTION Delete all items from an existing wishlist without deleting the wishlist itself
GET /wishlists?q=querytext QUERY Search for a wishlist with given query
GET /wishlists/<id>?q=querytext QUERY Search for items in wishlist with certain query


Copyright (c) John Rofrano. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License. See LICENSE

This repository is part of the NYU masters class: CSCI-GA.2820-001 DevOps and Agile Methodologies created and taught by John Rofrano, Adjunct Instructor, NYU Courant Institute, Graduate Division, Computer Science, and NYU Stern School of Business.