csc335-ereader-csc335-ereader-team1 created by GitHub Classroom This repo contains the source code and documentation for the E-Reader project.
Team members:
Ali Hamza
Anthony Lau
Sultan Alnhari
Jack Guerin
Trello link:
Please note that if you are using eclipse you should have Text file encoding set to UTF-8 in order for some text files to work. Window > Preferences > General > Workspace.
Program works with both file names and complete file paths.
"Wow" factors used are Light/Dark mode style toggles, and a landing page logo image (also of the Light/Dark variety).
Files are,,,, and
JUnit test file is
arc28.3.txt, book1.txt, book2.txt, and book3.txt are plaintext files used to test, debug, and demo the program.
CSC335-ereader-team1.pptx is the presentation slide deck of features and usage.
dark.jpg is the dark mode logo, e-reader.jpg is the light mode logo.
Library.txt is the collection of file names and paths as well as bookmarks for each.
Settings.txt is the saved settings that dictate the GUI's appearance.