For their article , Sahraoui et al. (2016) developped a java software for landscape visibility analysis : Pixscape .
The .jar is available here with a user manual.
pixscapeR is a simple function in R, in order to use Pixscape viewshed application.
- Install Pixscape .jar in your R data folder
- Create a project in the software Pixscape, following their user manual recommendations
- In this project, create dtm raster and dts raster
- You are ready to use the R function.
x = observer longitude (in meters)
y = observer latitude (in meters)
zeye = observer height (in meters)
zdest = observed height (in meters)
The output is a raster file with the different zones the observer can observe from x,y.
Sahraoui, Y., Vuidel, G., Foltête, J. C., & Joly, D. (2016). PixScape–un outil logiciel intégré pour l’analyse du paysage visible. Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography.