CSE_UI is an Arduino library from CIRCUITSTATE Electronics. It helps you design basic Graphical User Interface (GUI) on various small LCD screens that can be interfaced with Arduino boards. The library is built on top of the TFT_eSPI graphics library. Therefore, all displays supported by the TFT_eSPI library are also supported by CSE_UI. Touch functionality is implemented through the CSE_Touch library. Currently, it supports CST328 and FT6206 capacitive touch controllers. The touch support can be extended easily.
This library is available from the official Arduino Library Manager. Open the Arduino IDE, search for "CSE_UI" and install the latest version of the library.
Additionally, you can download the latest release package from the GitHub repository and install it manually. To do so, open the Arduino IDE, go to Sketch > Include Library > Add .ZIP Library…
and select the downloaded file.
Another method is to clone the GitHub repository directly into your libraries
folder. The development branch will have the latest features, bug fixes and other changes. To do so, navigate to your libraries
folder (usually located at Documents/Arduino/libraries
on Windows and ~/Documents/Arduino/libraries
on macOS) and execute the following command:
git clone https://github.com/CIRCUITSTATE/CSE_UI.git
Git should be installed on your computer.
The library can also be installed via PlatformIO. All officially listed Arduino listed libraries are automatically fetched by PlatformIO. Use the lib_deps
search option to install the library.
This library depends on the following libraries:
Make sure to install them as well.
Find the examples in the examples folder.
Please see the API.md file for the API reference.
- CSE_UI - CIRCUITSTATE GitHub - An Arduino GUI library for common TFT/IPS screens.
- Adafruit_FT6206 Library - Where this library took inspiration from.
- TouchLib - An alternate library for the CST328.
- Waveshare 2.8" Capacitive Touch LCD