Sprint 43: Release Report (sprint-42 - sprint-43)
Major accomplishments:
Storage service/cloud library refactoring including SSM
Add LDAP container to Merritt Docker stack
EZID retry logic
SSM library changes for Java and Ruby
Load balancer scripts
mrt-dashboard sprint-42..sprint-43
e5f04c79 2020-09-23 Merge pull request 82 from CDLUC3/ui-ssm
9ce77fe9 2020-09-23 test2
25061e22 2020-09-23 test
2ba47c53 2020-09-22 use env for localhost
78b15254 2020-09-22 support docker config
merritt-docker sprint-42..sprint-43
d7eb1be 2020-10-07 Merge pull request 10 from CDLUC3/rails5
66d62bd 2020-10-07 Add README file for ldap service
df1e76b 2020-10-07 Merge pull request 9 from CDLUC3/ldap-ssl
ba03bee 2020-10-06 Allow encrypted UI to LDAP communication.
dd6b30c 2020-10-06 docker updates
444fb93 2020-10-05 ruby ver
bf8b6d3 2020-10-02 Merge pull request 8 from CDLUC3/ldap
810ccf0 2020-10-01 Add ldap service
1060694 2020-09-28 Merge pull request 7 from CDLUC3/rails5
36aeeb1 2020-09-24 improve documentation
b833b73 2020-09-24 simplify compose: local vs ec2
ebc7010 2020-09-24 update commits
2cd297f 2020-09-23 add SSM_SKIP for ui
28b8818 2020-09-23 Merge pull request 6 from CDLUC3/ui-ssm
1878405 2020-09-23 update ide config
dfb74f9 2020-09-22 update commits
98ccc21 2020-09-22 update config deps
fdb3514 2020-09-22 config changes
e3aad5a 2020-09-22 simplify config overrides
2778483 2020-09-22 test
b21d6cb 2020-09-22 update submodules
2053ad9 2020-09-22 readme change
96b03f9 2020-09-22 Update ec2.yml
c6ba33e 2020-09-21 Merge pull request 5 from CDLUC3/store2
44bd679 2020-09-21 Update
006a8f3 2020-09-18 Update docker-compose.yml
0aeafd8 2020-09-18 Update docker-compose.yml
2d0e925 2020-09-18 update docker compose vars
932fbcf 2020-09-18 elim s3 jar
87cd981 2020-09-17 SSM_SKIP_RESOLUTION
18d2c50 2020-09-15 update store config
mrt-ingest sprint-42..sprint-43
1a28f48 2020-09-24 Merge pull request 10 from CDLUC3/ezid_retry
b7e6365 2020-09-23 Retry logic for EZID
mrt-doc sprint-42..sprint-43
9d58440 2020-10-07 Adding goals for Sprint 44
dd1eef7 2020-10-06 First draft complete
0137823 2020-10-06 WIP documenting form fields and steps
4b1be40 2020-10-06 Create
mrt-store sprint-42..sprint-43
2251b60 2020-09-30 Merge pull request 11 from CDLUC3/ingestlink
ebc2033 2020-09-30 Automated creation of an producer ingest manifest.txt
3fb02ef 2020-09-23 set log path stage/prod value
3a0b827 2020-09-23 change label delete
c0467af 2020-09-22 Merge pull request 10 from CDLUC3/store2
5a95d87 2020-09-22 remove final / baseURI
feb7c18 2020-09-18 set accessProtocol "s3"
db11560 2020-09-18 use 7777 as archive node
32a290c 2020-09-18 rm trailing slash
8534151 2020-09-18 add MRT_DOCKER_HOST
689d12f 2020-09-15 fix store-info-docker yaml
39d47e4 2020-09-14 yaml ssm store2
39ab224 2020-09-14 yaml ssm store2
e802252 2020-09-04 Initial commit store2
mrt-cloud sprint-42..sprint-43
5ca8e2d 2020-09-22 Merge pull request 10 from CDLUC3/json
2fc7b67 2020-09-18 fix 7777 def
47fae47 2020-09-18 Add MRT_DOCKER_HOST
72dfc99 2020-09-18 add descriptions for all nodes
mrt-core2 sprint-42..sprint-43
857cbae 2020-09-22 Merge pull request 6 from CDLUC3/store2a
8441d6c 2020-09-17 simplify partial resolution
6e526b4 2020-09-16 rm print out
afe9071 2020-09-16 child hash resolution
273adf7 2020-09-16 additional json methods
1a330d3 2020-09-16 add yaml parser convenience methods
40dd331 2020-09-16 Trap AWSSimpleSystemsManagementClientBuilder exception and fail on get
uc3-aws-cli sprint-42-main..sprint-43-main
0546ca3 2020-09-29 Merge pull request 7 from CDLUC3/issue6-alb_queries
ac59269 2020-09-28 add elbv2 queries for listeners
af41f9e 2020-09-22 add file
mrt-admin-lambda sprint-42-main..sprint-43-main
d81d390 2020-10-06 separate totals queries
723642c 2020-10-05 fix data type conversion
4af0c4a 2020-10-05 fix int conversion
6b3c24f 2020-10-05 generate numerics in json
07fb763 2020-09-30 typo
7000701 2020-09-30 escape filename
485bc2f 2020-09-30 filename as like query
6cee59f 2020-09-17 update wasabi cutoff date
uc3-ssm sprint-42-main..sprint-43-main
beb70b9 2020-09-18 SSM_SKIP_RESOLUTION option
merritt-docker-prv sprint-42..sprint-43
c730c9a 2020-10-01 test6
594b997 2020-10-01 test5
825b1fa 2020-10-01 test4
08aca31 2020-10-01 test2 commit
248a27b 2020-10-01 test commit
1ab2b2b 2020-09-28 Merge pull request 4 from cdlib/rails5
305a80a 2020-09-24 improve documentation
c5475a6 2020-09-22 rm app config override
6ccd275 2020-09-22 readd ldap
be3b6d1 2020-09-22 rm unneeded
11f78d4 2020-09-18 obsolete config
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