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Haas interface

Ian Denhardt edited this page Mar 6, 2014 · 1 revision

current interface, grew organically:

group create <group_name>
node create <node_id>
node add <node_id> <group_name>
nic create <nic_id> <mac_addr> <name>
nic connect <nic_id> <port_id>
nic add <nic_id> <node_id>
switch create <switch_id> <script>
port create <port_id> <switch_id> <port_no>
vlan create <vlan_id>
vlan connect <vlan_id> <group_name> <nic_name>
headnode create
headnode attach <vm_name> <group_name>
group deploy <group_name>
user create <user name> <password>
show all
show [ group | vm | port | nic | vlan | switch | node | user ]

Not clear what was atomic, synchronization model, and there were a series of inconsistencies.

There are two classes of users:

  1. Administrators: Responsible for configuring the hardware, and configuring the HaaS service.
  2. Users: Configuring specific groups, allocating nodes to groups, deleting groups...

Administrators can shoot themselves (or each other) in the foot. If two administrators modify the HaaS service (e.g., add switches, add nodes, move ports around...) behavior may be non deterministic. Administrators can block all "Users" from accessing the HaaS service while they are making changes.

To users re-configuring a group can shoot each other in the foot, and are responsible for coordinating among themselves. They cannot, however, impact users controlling different groups.

A user making a series of changes to a group can make all the individual changes, and only once they are complete "deploy" them to the switch.

An administrator can perform "User" activities on any group.

Objects on the (new model) are:

  • node - a physical node
  • master_node - a controlling machine for a group, today a VM
  • NIC - network cards, identified by a user-specified label (e.g., PXE, ipmi, user1, silly) will have a visible ethernet mac address (or equivalent unique number for other network types), and is always part of one node
  • switch - a physical network switch, note not visible to users, just admins
  • port - a port on a switch, note, not visible to users, just to admins
  • network - a network, today implemented as a VLAN

user operations:

user_create                	<user name> <password>
user_destroy                <user name>

group_create                <group_label>
group_destroy               <group_label>

network_create              <network_label>
network_destroy             <network_label>

headnode_create             <hn_label>
headnode_destroy            <hn_label>
group_connect_headnode      <hn_label> <group_label>
group_detach_headnode       <hn_label> <group_label>

group_connect_node          <node_id> <group_label>
group_detach_node           <node_id> <group_label>

# networking operations on a group
group_connect_network       <network_label> 
group_detach_network        <network_label>
group deploy                <group_label>

# networking operations on a physical node
node_connect_network        <node_id> <nic_label> <network_label>
node_detach_network         <node_id> <nic_label> 

# networking operations on a headnode
headnode_create_nic         <hn_label> <nic_label> 
headnode_destroy_nic        <hn_label> <nic_label>
headnode_connect_network    <hn_label> <nic_label> <network>
headnode_detach_network     <hn_label> <nic_label> 

# need to work on query interface, you should see only objects in
  your group...
show all
show [ group | vm | port | nic | vlan | switch | node | user ]

admin operations: node_create <node_id> node_destroy <node_id>

node_create_nic             <node_id> <nic_label> <mac_addr>
node_destroy_nic            <node_id> <nic_label> 

switch_create               <switch_label> <script> <number_ports>
switch_destroy              <switch_label> 

nic_connect_switch          <node_id> <nic_label> <switch_label> <port_id>



  • commands start with the name of the containing object e.g., node add -> group connect node
  • consistent naming, i.e., connect/disconnect rather than attach/add/...
  • vlan -> network
  • hide internal numbers, e.g. vlan_id, ... instead use lables
  • got rid of operations on group of objects, i.e., vlan connect operated on all nics with label, which would have forced us to do bizzar work if a new nic got added with same label
  • connect all words in command with "_" since could be function name
  • headnode create specifies a vm_label
  • call string names everywhere
  • got rid port_id and port_no, always identify port as a switch and port number relative to that switch, like nics on a


  • does a destroy operation leads to orphaned objects, or does it clean up? I think the latter is necessary, e.g., if you destroy a group, and it doesn't destroy all the sub-objects, you might have a network still connected to some ports, and the next guy comes along, and suddenly we have a security hole...

  • changes to network configuration happen when a

  • network has to be connected to a group before it can be connected to a node in the group, i.e, an group A can give group B access to network, group B users can then connect network to nodes in their group

  • should it be node_connect_network or network_connect_node?

  • permission model: I didn't put this in, but one possibility...

  • all objects created by user are as part of a group

  • when object is removed from last group, it is deleted

  • an object can be connected to other groups

  • how do we associate arbitrary data with an object, e.g., mac address... we should have operations to get info about an arbitrary object

  • don't really like the use of "group", since I think it should be a group of users... would prefer something like a VDC (virtual data center), or pool to express a grouping of resources, or perhaps a user group and a resource group

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