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feedback: discussion
feedback: discussion
Indicates that an issue or pull request contains a useful or interesting discussion
feedback: question
feedback: question
Indicates that an issue, pull request, or discussion needs more information
status: blocked
status: blocked
Indicates an issue that is blocked by something
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
Indicates similar issues, pull requests, or discussions
status: obsolete
status: obsolete
Indicates that an issue, pull request, or discussion is no longer relevant
status: ready for work
status: ready for work
Indicates an issue that has all available information for work on it to begin
status: wontfix
status: wontfix
Indicates that work won't continue on an issue, pull request, or discussion
type: bug
type: bug
Indicates an unexpected problem or unintended behavior
type: design
type: design
Indicates a need for a design document of sorts that does not result in code changes
type: documentation
type: documentation
Indicates a need for improvements or additions to documentation
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
Indicates new feature requests
type: quality
type: quality
Indicates a need for quality improvement or assetion