This repo contains the flake I use to configure any of my NixOS-configured devices.
- flake.nix: Central file for exporting all my configs and anything else I need.
- lib.nix: Helper functions
- systemconfigs/: All systems this flake configures, each system has some options that describe it but the main thing that determines what options they set are roles.
- nixosModules/: A set of path-"routed" NixOS modules that represent "roles".
A role is a feature a system can have (ex. the
role enables Hyprland, GUI apps, etc). Roles can either be a singular nix file, or a folder of them if they're complicated. Files namedrole1+role2.nix
represent an overlap role, which is applied if all roles delimited by+
are turned on. - base/: This folder contains modules applied unconditionally to all systems.
- res/: Non-nix files used in the config. Pictures, scripts, etc.
- pkgs/: Custom nix packages made for my config.
- create-sys/: WIP tool for automating the creation of new systems. Currently
just has an interactive prompt for adding a new
file tosystems/
I'm not going to lie, I have no idea what I'm doing. Is every feature here implmemented well? Definitely not, but that's okay!