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Robin Seifert edited this page Mar 21, 2024 · 2 revisions


Radar detects a limited subset of entities withing a max detection range. It will then trigger nearby missiles and a redstone alarm signal for threats in a trigger area. See ICBM Wiki for specifics on how the radar works. Remain parts of this page will only cover functions exposed for CC to use.

Function - detection_range

getDetectionRange(): int - provides max detection range in meters of the radar

setDetectionRange(meters: int): void - sets the max detection range in meters

Function - trigger_range

getTriggerRange(): int - provides alarm trigger range in meters of the radar

setTriggerRange(meters: int): void - sets the alarm trigger range in meters

Function - getContacts(bool, int)

Method to provide access to the radar's detected entity data set.


  • getEnergyData
  • getEnergy
  • getEnergyLimit
  • getMachineInfo


  • getDetectionRange
  • setDetectionRange
  • getTriggerRange
  • setTriggerRange
  • getContacts


  • getMissiles
  • launch
  • getInaccuracy
  • getStatus
  • preCheckLaunch

Launcher: Cruise

  • getTarget
  • setTarget
  • isAimed
  • getAimCurrent
  • getAimTarget

Launcher: Silo

  • getLockHeight
  • setLockHeight
  • getFiringDelay
  • setFiringDelay

Launcher: connector

  • getLaunchers
  • launch
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