Move to Buer-Nahida/flake
If you installed Hyprdots's main1.0 branch
You must remove all old's configs to install main2.0 branch!!!
1. Install packages
yay -S hyprland wlroots xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland xorg-xwayland \
waybar-mpris-git waybar-hyprland-cava-git hyprpicker \
firefox \
mpv mpvpaper swww \
wf-recorder \
zsh \
wezterm \
wlogout \
dunst \
fcitx5 \
xfce-polkit \
cava \
python rust \
grim slurp \
jq \
wl-clipboard \
rofi \
lolcat \
nemo \
fortune-mod fortune-mod-zh \
lib32-pipewire lib32-pipewire-jack lib32-pipewire-v4l2 pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-docs pipewire-jack pipewire-pulse pipewire-roc pipewire-x11-bell pipewire-zeroconf \
highlight \
exa \
vim \
cowsay \
neofetch \
light \
libnotify \
bottom btop \
gtk-engine-murrine \
gnome-themes-extra lib32-gnome-themes-extra \
crow-translate \
python python3 \
catppuccin-mocha-dark-cursors \
mpd ncmpcpp \
slurp \
cliphist \
wget aria2 curl
2. Install nerd-fonts
yay -S nerd-fonts-git
3. Install Hyprdots
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/SR-MyStar/Hyprdots.git .hyprdots
cd .hyprdots
chmod +x ./install.sh
4. Install & Apply themes
git clone https://github.com/Fausto-Korpsvart/Tokyo-Night-GTK-Theme.git
cd Tokyo-Night-GTK-Theme/
sudo mv themes/ /usr/share/themes/
cd ..
rm -rv Tokyo-Night-GTK-Theme
wget https://github.com/TeddyBearKilla/Afterglow-Cursors-Recolored/releases/download/Catppuccin/Afterglow-Recolored-Catppuccin-Blue-v3.tar.gz
sudo mv Afterglow-Recolored-Catppuccin-Blue-v3 /usr/share/icons/Afterglow-Recolored-Catppuccin-Blue-v2
Cursor directory name is very important!!!
script is using cursor directory name to apply cursor theme!!!
Hyprland is using cursor directory name to apply cursor theme too!!!
So you must renameAfterglow-Recolored-Catppuccin-Blue-v3
yay -S papirus-folders