This is a fully functional proof-of-concept app created for the ELC Accessible Beauty Hackathon. For more information on this project, please visit the Access3D Generator Devpost page.
For a demonstration on how this app works, please visit the Access3D Generator Devpost page.
An A3D file is simply a SCAD file with additional information that can be read by Access3D Generator. After defining variables as normal, you can include additional information between the //A3D-Start
and //A3D-End
tags. To maintain backwards compatibility with SCAD files, all A3D info between these tags should be commented. A3D files currently support integers and booleans. All measurements are in mm.
Each customisation option follows the following format:
- "Integer" or "Boolean".
- Existing variable name between [] brackets.
- User friendly variable name between <> brackets.
- User friendly description between {} brackets.
An example of what this looks like is:
// A3D-Start
// Integer [jardiameter]<Lid Diameter>{The size of the cosmetics jar lid (mm)}
// Integer [gripdiameter]<Grip Diameter>{How large would you like the grip to be? (mm)}
// Integer [gripheight]<Grip Height>{How tall would you like the grid to be? (mm)}
// Boolean [gripdots]<Grip Dots>{Include extra grip?}
// A3D-End
You can view the A3D_Sample_Files folder for more examples.
The next version of Access3D Generator will use JSON instead of the above standard. This will allow for far greater control and additional options.
To make Access3D Generator as accessible as possible, I am working on updating Access3D Generator so that it runs on the web. This will remove the need for the below setup process, which some users will find difficult. This will be completed after the conclusion of the ELC Accessible Beauty Hackathon.
I recommend visiting the Access3D Generator Devpost page for a recorded demo of the working app.
- Currently, Access3D Generator will run only on Windows.
- Access3D Generator relies on OpenSCAD, and as such it must be installed on your device.
The best way to run Access3D Generator is to compile it yourself. If you need help with this, please contact me.
There is also an installer available here. However, due to time constraints from the hackathon, this installer is unstable and untested. It is not recommended.