A collection of tiny programs from various sources, for testing softcores. Includes my simple library to render 80x25 and 80x50 "graphics" in an Ansi terminal (this makes big pixels, but they have 16 million colors !)
Just gcc <program name>.c -o <program name>
and that's all. Some programs (pi.c
) will need to be linked with the math library (gcc <program name>.c -lm -o <program name>
And of course, if you are cross-compiling (for your own RISC-V
softcore), you will need to install the RISC-V toolchain and use
instead (more information here)
- Fabrice Bellard's webpage on Pi and pi.c
- Dmitry Sokolov's TinyRaytracer
- @a1k0n Andy Sloane's donut.c
- Claire Wolf's picorv
- Inigo Quilez's humanshader and division-free version
- Sylvain Lefebre's collection of cool graphic effects