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BrowserStack Examples Playwright Framework Playwright


Playwright is a framework for Web Testing and Automation. It allows testing Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API. Playwright is built to enable cross-browser web automation that is ever-green, capable, reliable and fast.

This BrowserStack Example repository demonstrates a test framework written in Playwright Framework with parallel testing capabilities. The Playwright test scripts are written for the open source BrowserStack Demo web application (Github). This BrowserStack Demo App is an e-commerce web application which showcases multiple real-world user scenarios. The app is bundled with offers data, orders data and products data that contains everything you need to start using the app and run tests out-of-the-box.

The Playwright tests are run on different platforms like on-prem and BrowserStack using various run configurations and test capabilities.

Repository setup

  • Clone the repository

  • Ensure you have the following dependencies installed on the machine

    • Node.js

    Install the requirements:

    npm install

About the tests in this repository

This repository contains the following Selenium tests:

Module Test name Description
e2e E2E Test This test scenario verifies successful product purchase lifecycle end-to-end.
login Check if Signin opens on clicking on favourites nav item This test verifies the login workflow with different types of valid login users.
login Check Login with locked_user This test verifies the login workflow error for a locked user.
offers Set GPS location to Mumbai and check offers This test mocks the GPS location for Mumbai and verifies that the product offers applicable for the Mumbai location are shown.
product Apply Apple And Samsung Filter This test verifies that the Apple products are only shown if the Apple vendor filter option is applied.
product Apply 'Lowest to Highest' Order By Filter This test verifies that the product prices are in ascending order when the product sort "Lowest to Highest" is applied.
user Check Login with image_not_loading_user This test verifies that the product images load for user: "image_not_loading_user" on the e-commerce application. Since the images do not load, the test case assertion fails.
user Check Order in existing_orders_user This test verifies that existing orders are shown for user: "existing_orders_user"

Test infrastructure environments

On Premise / Self Hosted

Running Your Tests

Run a specific test on your own machine

  • How to run the test?

    To run a specific test scenario, use the following command with the additional 'test-name' argument:

    npx playwright test <spec-file> --headed --config=resources/conf/playwright.config.js --project <project-name>

    where, the argument <spec-file> can be any spec files from the repository.

    E.g. "e2e.spec.js", "login.spec.js", "product.spec.js" or any of the other tests, as outlined in About the tests in this repository section.

    Also, the argument <project-name> can be any of the project names from the playwright.conf.js file.

    Or, you can directly run the pre-confifured setup by running the below command:

    npm run onPrem-endToEnd
  • Output

    This run profile executes a specific test scenario on a single browser instance on your own machine.

Run the entire test suite in parallel on your own machine

To run the entire test suite on your own machine, use the following command:

npx playwright test --headed --config=resources/conf/playwright.config.js --workers 2

Or, you can directly run the pre-confifured setup by running the below command:

npm run onPrem-parallel
  • Output

    This run profile executes the entire test collection in parallel on single/multiple browsers based on the configuration file, on your own machine.


BrowserStack provides instant access to 2,000+ real mobile devices and browsers on a highly reliable cloud infrastructure that effortlessly scales as testing needs grow.


  • Create a new BrowserStack account or use an existing one.

  • Identify your BrowserStack username and access key from the BrowserStack Automate Dashboard and export them as environment variables using the below commands.

    • For *nix based and Mac machines:
    export BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=<browserstack-username> &&
    export BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY=<browserstack-access-key>
    • For Windows:
    set BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=<browserstack-username>
    set BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY=<browserstack-access-key>

    Alternatively, you can also hardcode username and access_key objects in the fixtures.js file.


  • We have configured a list of test capabilities in the playwright-bstack.config.js file. You can certainly update them based on your device / browser test requirements.
  • The exact test capability values can be easily identified using the Browserstack Capability Generator and the allowed Browsers and OS are mentioned here

Running Your Tests

Run a specific test on BrowserStack

In this section, we will run a single test on Chrome browser on Browserstack. To change test capabilities for this configuration, please refer to the playwright-bstack.config.js file.

  • How to run the test?

    To run a specific test scenario, use the following command : Note: You can change the test you want to run by replacing the respective spec file.

    npx playwright test <spec-file> --config=resources/conf/playwright-bstack.config.js --project 'chrome@latest:Windows 10@browserstack'"

    where, the argument <spec-file> can be any spec files from the repository.

    E.g. "e2e.spec.js", "login.spec.js", "product.spec.js" or any of the other tests, as outlined in About the tests in this repository section.

    Also, the argument <project-name> can be any of the project names from the playwright-bstack.conf.js file.

    Or, you can directly run the pre-confifured setup by running the below command:

    npm run bstack-single
  • Output

    This run profile executes a single test on a single browser on BrowserStack. Please refer to your BrowserStack dashboard for test results.

Run the entire test suite in parallel on BrowserStack browsers

In this section, we will run the tests in parallel on a single browser on Browserstack. Refer to playwright-bstack.conf.js file to change test capabilities for this configuration.

  • How to run the test?

    To run the entire test suite in parallel on a single BrowserStack browser, use the following command:

    npx playwright test --config=resources/conf/playwright-bstack.config.js --project '<project-name>' --workers 5

Note: The workers argument mentions the number of tests you want to run in parallel at a time.

  • Output

    This run profile executes the entire test suite in parallel on a single BrowserStack browser. Please refer to your BrowserStack dashboard for test results.

    Or, you can directly run the pre-confifured setup by running the below command:

    npm run bstack-parallel-tests

    Note: If you want to run tests on multiple browsers, you just need to remove the project argument from the command.

    You can directly run the above scenario using the following command:

    npm run bstack-parallel-browsers

Run a tests on BrowserStack which need Local Environment access


  • Clone the BrowserStack demo application repository.

    git clone
  • Please follow the on the BrowserStack demo application repository to install and start the dev server on localhost.

  • In this section, we will run a single test case to test the BrowserStack Demo app hosted on your local machine i.e. localhost. Refer to the playwright-bstack-local.conf.js file for configuration and setup and teardown processes.

Note: You may need to provide additional BrowserStackLocal arguments to successfully connect your localhost environment with BrowserStack infrastructure. (e.g if you are behind firewalls, proxy or VPN).

[Web application hosted on internal environment] Run a specific test on BrowserStack using BrowserStackLocal

In this section, we will run a single test on Chrome browser on Browserstack. To change test capabilities for this configuration, please refer to the playwright-bstack-local.config.js file.

To run a specific test scenario, use the following command : Note: You can change the test you want to run by replacing the respective spec file.

npx playwright test <spec-file> --config=resources/conf/playwright-bstack-local.config.js --project 'chrome@latest:Windows 10@browserstack'"

where, the argument <spec-file> can be any spec files from the repository.

E.g. "e2e.spec.js", "login.spec.js", "product.spec.js" or any of the other tests, as outlined in About the tests in this repository section.

Also, the argument <project-name> can be any of the project names from the playwright-bstack.conf.js file.

Or, you can directly run the pre-confifured setup by running the below command:

npm run bstack-local
  • Output

    This run profile executes a single test on a single browser on BrowserStack. Please refer to your BrowserStack dashboard for test results.

[Web application hosted on internal environment] Run a tests in parallel on BrowserStack using BrowserStackLocal

Refer the below snippet, here we will run the tests in parallel on a single browser on Browserstack. Refer to playwright-bstack-local.conf.js file to change test capabilities for this configuration.

npx playwright test --config=resources/conf/playwright-bstack-local.config.js --project '<project-name>' --workers 5

Refer the below snippet, here we will run the tests in parallel on a multiple browser on Browserstack. Refer to playwright-bstack-local.conf.js file to change test capabilities for this configuration.

npx playwright test --config=resources/conf/playwright-bstack-local.config.js --workers 5

Note: The workers argument mentions the number of tests you want to run in parallel at a time.

Or, you can directly run the pre-confifured setup by running the below command:

npm run bstack-local-parallel
  • Output

    This run profile executes the entire test suite in parallel on a single BrowserStack browser. Please refer to your BrowserStack dashboard for test results.

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