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deleted huge comment in RBF model, maybe related to some old polynomi…
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briandepasquale committed Aug 30, 2024
1 parent 8a1ad7a commit 554e329
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 220 deletions.
220 changes: 0 additions & 220 deletions src/neural/RBF_model.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,223 +1,3 @@
function optimize(data, options::neural_poly_options;
x_tol::Float64=1e-10, f_tol::Float64=1e-6, g_tol::Float64=1e-3,
iterations::Int=Int(2e3), show_trace::Bool=true,
outer_iterations::Int=Int(1e1), α1::Float64=0.)
@unpack fit, lb, ub, x0, ncells, f, nparams, npolys = options
lb, = unstack(lb, fit)
ub, = unstack(ub, fit)
x0,c = unstack(x0, fit)
#ℓℓ(x) = -loglikelihood(stack(x,c,fit), data, ncells, nparams, f, npolys)
ℓℓ(x) = -(loglikelihood(stack(x,c,fit), data, ncells, nparams, f, npolys) -
α1 * (x[2] - lb[2]).^2)
output = optimize(x0, ℓℓ, lb, ub; g_tol=g_tol, x_tol=x_tol,
f_tol=f_tol, iterations=iterations, show_trace=show_trace,
x = Optim.minimizer(output)
x = stack(x,c,fit)
θ = θneural_poly(x, ncells, nparams, f, npolys)
model = neural_poly_DDM(θ, data)
converged = Optim.converged(output)
return model, output
loglikelihood(x, data, ncells)
A wrapper function that accepts a vector of mixed parameters, splits the vector
into two vectors based on the parameter mapping function provided as an input. Used
in optimization, Hessian and gradient computation.
function loglikelihood(x::Vector{T1}, data::Vector{Vector{T2}}, ncells::Vector{Int},
nparams::Int, f::String, npolys::Int) where {T1 <: Real, T2 <: neuraldata}
θ = θneural_poly(x, ncells, nparams, f, npolys)
loglikelihood(θ, data)
function gradient(model::neural_poly_DDM)
@unpack θ, data = model
@unpack ncells, nparams, f, npolys = θ
x = flatten(θ)
ℓℓ(x) = -loglikelihood(x, data, ncells, nparams, f, npolys)
ForwardDiff.gradient(ℓℓ, x)
function loglikelihood(θ::θneural_poly, data::Vector{Vector{T1}}) where T1 <: neuraldata
@unpack θz, θμ, θy = θ
sum(map((θy, θμ, data) -> sum(pmap(data-> loglikelihood(θz, θμ, θy, data), data,
batch_size=length(data))), θy, θμ, data))
function loglikelihood(θz::θz, θμ::Vector{Poly{T2}}, θy::Vector{T1},
data::neuraldata) where {T1 <: DDMf, T2 <: Real}
@unpack spikes, input_data = data
@unpack dt = input_data
λ, = loglikelihood(θz,θμ,θy,input_data)
sum(logpdf.(Poisson.(vcat(λ...)*dt), vcat(spikes...)))
function loglikelihood(θz::θz, θμ::Vector{Poly{T2}}, θy::Vector{T1},
input_data::neuralinputs) where {T1 <: DDMf, T2 <: Real}
@unpack binned_clicks, dt = input_data
@unpack nT = binned_clicks
a = rand(θz,input_data)
λ = map((θy,θμ)-> θy(a, θμ(1:nT)), θy, θμ)
return λ, a
@with_kw struct μ_poly_options
npolys::Int = 4
fit::Vector{Bool} = trues(sum(ncells)*npolys)
lb::Vector{Float64} = repeat(-Inf * ones(npolys), sum(ncells))
ub::Vector{Float64} = repeat(Inf * ones(npolys), sum(ncells))
x0::Vector{Float64} = repeat([10. ^-i for i in 0:(npolys-1)], sum(ncells))
mutable struct θμ_poly{T1} <: DDMθ
function optimize(data, options::μ_poly_options;
x_tol::Float64=1e-10, f_tol::Float64=1e-6, g_tol::Float64=1e-3,
iterations::Int=Int(2e3), show_trace::Bool=true,
outer_iterations::Int=Int(1e1), α1::Float64=0.)
@unpack fit, lb, ub, x0, ncells, npolys = options
θ = θμ_poly(x0, ncells, npolys)
lb, = unstack(lb, fit)
ub, = unstack(ub, fit)
x0,c = unstack(x0, fit)
ℓℓ(x) = -loglikelihood(stack(x,c,fit), data, θ)
output = optimize(x0, ℓℓ, lb, ub; g_tol=g_tol, x_tol=x_tol,
f_tol=f_tol, iterations=iterations, show_trace=show_trace,
x = Optim.minimizer(output)
x = stack(x,c,fit)
θ = θμ_poly(x, ncells, npolys)
model = neural_poly_DDM(θ, data)
converged = Optim.converged(output)
return model, output
function loglikelihood(x::Vector{T1}, data::Vector{Vector{T2}}, θ::θμ_poly) where {T1 <: Real, T2 <: neuraldata}
@unpack ncells, npolys = θ
θ = θμ_poly(x, ncells, npolys)
loglikelihood(θ, data)
function θμ_poly(x::Vector{T}, ncells::Vector{Int}, npolys::Int) where {T <: Real}
dims2 = vcat(0,cumsum(ncells))
blah = Tuple.(collect(partition(x, npolys)))
blah2 = map(x-> Poly(collect(x)), blah)
θμ = map(idx-> blah2[idx], [dims2[i]+1:dims2[i+1] for i in 1:length(dims2)-1])
θμ_poly(θμ, ncells, npolys)
function loglikelihood(θ::θμ_poly, data::Vector{Vector{T1}}) where {T2 <: Real, T1 <: neuraldata}
@unpack θμ = θ
sum(map((θμ, data) -> sum(loglikelihood.(Ref(θμ), data)), θμ, data))
function loglikelihood(θμ::Vector{Poly{T2}},
data::neuraldata) where {T2 <: Real}
@unpack spikes, input_data = data
@unpack binned_clicks, dt, pad = input_data
@unpack nT = binned_clicks
λ = map(θμ-> softplus.(θμ(1:nT+2*pad)), θμ)
sum(logpdf.(Poisson.(vcat(λ...)*dt), vcat(spikes...)))


@with_kw struct neural_poly_DDM{T,U} <: DDM
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