Releases: BoostryJP/ibet-Prime
Hello, ibet members.
This release is a quarterly major version release.
New Features 🚀
- ListAllIssuedTokens API: Added a new API to retrieve all issued tokens. (#749, #750)
- ListAllScheduledEvents API: Introduced an API to list all scheduled events. (#756)
- Lightweight DB Health Check: Added a lightweight DB health check to the root API when
is enabled. (#771)
Enhancements & Improvements
Performance Optimizations:
- Extracted events from async contract instance to reduce memory usage. (#747)
- Optimized row count queries for better performance. (#763, #764)
- Added SQL
to optimize token holders API performance. (#766) - Released free memory back to the OS using
. (#769) - Migrated to
for improved async database operations. (#744, #754)
Other Improvements:
- Added token attribute details to
. (#746) - Included
attribute in notification metadata. (#741) - Renamed the
column. (#767) - Upgraded Ubuntu version. (#740)
- General package updates and improvements. (#752)
- Updated primary key definitions. (#758)
- Converted test code to use async. (#753)
- Added a PR template for consistency in contributions. (#770)
- Added token attribute details to
Bug Fixes
- Fixed duplicate key violation in Personal Info Indexer. (#761)
- Fixed response model inconsistencies. (#751)
- Changed
status codes. (#739) - Handled data inconsistencies in
. (#773)
Full Changelog: v24.12.0...v25.3.0
🎄🦌 Merry Xmas 🎅 🎄
This release is a quarterly major version release.
New features 🚀
- Manage the issuer's child keys as a deterministic wallet by @YoshihitoAso in #694 #712 #715
- Add SealedTx feature by @YoshihitoAso in #695 #696 #728
- Managing investor's extra information by @YoshihitoAso in #729
- Change the default value of EXPECTED_BLOCKS_PER_SEC by @YoshihitoAso in #693
- Implemented pagination and additionally return personal information fields by @YoshihitoAso in #701
- Add a token_address field to the Metainfo of BULK_TRANSFER_ERROR notification by @YoshihitoAso in #702
- Enable searching bulk transfer uploads by token address by @YoshihitoAso in #705
- Parallelize pytest execution jobs by @purplesmoke05 in #703
- Declare Query parameters with pydantic by @YoshihitoAso in #707
- Bump packages by @YoshihitoAso in #706 #709 #718 #724 #726
- Update github workflows by @YoshihitoAso in #710
- Refine transfer data schema to classify transfer data derived from Unlock events by @purplesmoke05 in #713
- Improve ledger creation functions by @YoshihitoAso in #716 #720 #721
- Add key_manager_type query for holders personal info by @YoshihitoAso in #717
- Add error handling and validation for posted personal info length by @purplesmoke05 in #730 #733
Bug fixes
- Fix failure notification code generated by
by @purplesmoke05 in #732
Full Changelog: v24.9.0...v24.12.0
This release is a quarterly major version release.
New features 🚀
- Support v24.9 token features by @YoshihitoAso in #657
- DVP: Automate DVP processing by @YoshihitoAso in #673
- Add an API for batch scheduling token update events by @YoshihitoAso in #681
- Graceful shutdown by @purplesmoke05 in #661
- Change the bond token attributes
to updatable attributes by @purplesmoke05 in #677 - Multi-stage builds and slimmed down image sizes by @YoshihitoAso in #658
- Add notification type of DvP confirmed/finished by @purplesmoke05 in #659
- Add buyer/seller personal information to DvP delivery data by @YoshihitoAso in #665
- Add pagination for holders collection by @YoshihitoAso in #662
- Add sort/filter to holders collection API by @purplesmoke05 in #663
- Separate functions that are not related to the issuer by @YoshihitoAso in #664
- Introducing ruff by @YoshihitoAso in #668
- Update API doc of create DvP Delivery by @purplesmoke05 in #660
- Bump npm packages by @YoshihitoAso in #669
- Measure test coverage by @YoshihitoAso in #670
- Remove "Failed to decrypt" error log from by @purplesmoke05 in #672
- Index dvp_delivery events of which the agent_address is related to DVPAgentAccount by @purplesmoke05 in #678
- Store the settlement_service_type of dvp delivery when indexing by @purplesmoke05 in #679
- Change
from a constant to an environment variable by @purplesmoke05 in #686 - Bump dependencies by @purplesmoke05 in #690
- Add operation id by @YoshihitoAso in #691
Bug fixes
- Fix to render delivery data list on settlement-cli by @purplesmoke05 in #684
- Fix long query due to indexer position batches updating the same position record by @purplesmoke05 in #688
Full Changelog: v24.6.0...v24.9.0
New features 🐌
- Support ibetSecurityToken v24.6 by @YoshihitoAso in #615 #624 #626 #634
- Support DVP contract by @purplesmoke05 in #616 #617
- Upgrade python to 3.12 by @YoshihitoAso in #614
- Bump packages by @YoshihitoAso in #630 #639 #622
- Add memray by @YoshihitoAso in #635
- Add query items to the transfer history API by @YoshihitoAso in #623 #643
- Add personal info history API by @YoshihitoAso in #628 #638 #641
- Reuse imported RSA key to decode personal information by @purplesmoke05 in #629
- Add query filter about amount+pending_transfer to ibet token holder API by @purplesmoke05 in #636
- Reorganize test folder structure by @purplesmoke05 in #645
- Use COALESCE function on summed column to replace NULL with 0 by @purplesmoke05 in #648
Full Changelog: v24.3.0...v24.6.0
This release is a quarterly major version release.
With this release, v23.3 and earlier versions are EoL.
New features 🚀
- Add FreezeLog functionality by @YoshihitoAso in #587
- Add transaction compression mode bulkTransfer by @YoshihitoAso in #586
- Replace sync func to async func by @YoshihitoAso in #591 #597 #599 #603
- Fix upper limit check when uploading external data by @YoshihitoAso in #580
- Add result_set for pagination to token holders API by @purplesmoke05 in #568
- Retrieve the error reason that occurs during bulk transfer by @YoshihitoAso in #588
- Keep
data up to date to prevent it from becoming stale by @purplesmoke05 in #590 - Reduce block chain call on indexer batch by @purplesmoke05 in #593
- Issuer position synchronization is limited to initial issuance only by @YoshihitoAso in #596
- Added filter and sort query of personal_info, balance or locked amount to token holders API by @purplesmoke05 in #604
- Upgrade Ubuntu by @YoshihitoAso in #584 #607
- Bump packages by @YoshihitoAso in #594
Bug fixes
- Modified order of event logs to be processed in processor create UTXO by @purplesmoke05 in #605
Full Changelog: v23.12.0...v24.3.0
Bug fixes
- Fix upper limit check when uploading external data by @YoshihitoAso in #579
Full Changelog: v23.12.0...v23.12.1
🎄🦌 Merry Xmas 🎅 🎄
This release is a quarterly major version release.
With this release, v22.12 and earlier versions are EoL.
New features 🚀
- Add currency attributes to ibetStraightBond by @YoshihitoAso @purplesmoke05 in #552 #561 #564 #566
- Add API for referencing personal information registered for each issuer by @purplesmoke05 in #550
- Store investor personal information when approving transfer by @YoshihitoAso in #556
- Support PostgreSQL 15 by @YoshihitoAso in #554
- Bump dependencies by @purplesmoke05 @YoshihitoAso in #547 #563 #570
- Bump dependencies in container by @purplesmoke05 in #573
- Add
to token transfer approval list API response by @purplesmoke05 in #558 - Add
to token transfer list API response by @purplesmoke05 in #559 - Allow setting empty str for
when updating bond token by @purplesmoke05 in #572 - Add condition to if statement so as to ensure
has value on personal_info column by @purplesmoke05 in #575
Bug fixes
- Fix floating-point arithmetic in validation by @purplesmoke05 in #566
- Fix floating-point arithmetic in share params validation by @purplesmoke05 in #567
Full Changelog: v23.9.0...v23.12.0
This release is a quarterly major version release.
With this release, v22.9 and earlier versions are EoL.
New features 🚀
- Add token update operation log for audit by @purplesmoke05 in #532, #540
- Pydantic v2 by @purplesmoke05 in #534, #543
- Update fastapi by @purplesmoke05 in #534
- Change to SQLAlchemy 2.0 style query by @YoshihitoAso in #531, #533
- Add
field to API response of list all batch redeem/issue records by @purplesmoke05 in #536 - Change to psycopg-c by @YoshihitoAso in #537
- Update web3py by @purplesmoke05 in #542
- Add
validation to token update request body by @purplesmoke05 in #541
Bug fixes
Full Changelog: v23.6.0...v23.9.0
This release is a quarterly major version release.
With this release, v22.6 and earlier versions are EoL.
New features 🐸
- Upgrade python to v3.11 by @YoshihitoAso in #505
- Upgrade web3py to v6 by @YoshihitoAso @purplesmoke05 in #501 #524
- Add msg_sender to lock/unlock events API response by @purplesmoke05 in #514
- Add cancellation blocktimestamp by @YoshihitoAso in #506
- Add token history API by @purplesmoke05 in #518
- Remove unit test warnings by @YoshihitoAso in #504
- Upgrade SQLAlchemy by @purplesmoke05 in #508
- Dependencies using Annotated by @YoshihitoAso in #507
- Session type annotations incorrect in PyCharm by @YoshihitoAso in #509
- Bump dependencies versions by @purplesmoke05 @YoshihitoAso in #521 #522 #523
- Use path parameter account_address in force_unlock API by @purplesmoke05 in #520
- Add error response for
Int exceeds 64bit range
exception by @purplesmoke05 in #517 - Refine openapi doc error response schema by @purplesmoke05 in #515
Bug fixes
This release is a quarterly major version release.
With this release, v22.3 and earlier versions are EoL.
Breaking changes ⚠️
The following API endpoints have been deprecated. #470
New features 🌸
- Add features for asset locking and unlocking by @YoshihitoAso @purplesmoke05 #454 #455 #456 #457 #460 #469 #472 #481 #494 #499
- Add tui blockchain explorer by @purplesmoke05 in #487
- Bump package versions by @purplesmoke05 in #451 #477
- Upgrade sqlalchemy to version2 by @YoshihitoAso in #483
- Upgrade psycopg and FastAPI by @YoshihitoAso in #484
- Add index to idx_e2e_messaging by @YoshihitoAso in #446
- Delete remaining past WEB3_HTTP_PROVIDER data by @YoshihitoAso in #462
- Store source event data as idx_transfer by @purplesmoke05 in #467
- Add argument filter to batch by @purplesmoke05 in #482
- Omit response validation in all API endpoints by @YoshihitoAso in #452 #453
- Separate the dataclass of the contract from the request Schema of the API by @YoshihitoAso in #459
- Make contract class object-oriented by @YoshihitoAso in #461
- Reuse contract factory by @purplesmoke05 in #463
- Add HTTPError handling to web3_utils by @purplesmoke05 in #474
- Replace pip with poetry by @purplesmoke05 in #486 #492
- Lint check with isort and black by @purplesmoke05 in #490
- doc: Add openapi tag descriptions by @YoshihitoAso in #447
Bug fixes
- Suppress ReadTimeout during node access that occurs in indexer by @YoshihitoAso in #445
- Fix: requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout occurs in indexer of Token Holders by @purplesmoke05 in #478 #489
Full Changelog: v22.12.0...v23.3.0