Synchronize tickets in Zendesk with Google Calendar events.
This application allows you to automatically insert events into Google Calendar whenever an agent gets ticket. Similarly, editting events in calendar updates Zendesk tickets.
Events' dates are taken from 4 custom ticket fields - start date, start end, end date, end time. You need to add them manually. Because Zendesk lacks timepicker field, I've created small plugin that adds nice datetimepicker as iframe. Please see this GitHub repo.
Additionally, you will need to add 2 triggers in Zendesk admin panel - for POST and PUT endpoints (ticket creation and ticket update).
If you need a better solution, check Cronofy.
Python 3 (tested on 3.4.3) and Redis.
$ git clone
$ cd zendesk-calendar
$ mkvirtualenv zendesk-calendar
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cp zendesk/ zendesk/
and make sure you have Redis server up.
$ python # in production use gunicorn or alternative
$ celery -A zendesk:celery worker
$ celery -A zendesk:celery beat
Don't forget to setup ticket fields in Zendesk admin panel.
Start date and end date should be of type Date
, start time and end time should be Text
or Regular Expression
. Example time regexp:
This code is available under The MIT License, see the LICENSE
file for more information.